Doppelgängers ☾ 7-01

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With one last look at the townhouse I had learned to love and cherish as my home, I closed and locked the front door. My father was already in the car, bleary-eyed and oblivious, prepared for the taxi to take him to the Ministry. The taxi would take him to the visitors entrance of the ministry, where Arthur would apparate him to a safe house. Though the events of last year had led to some poor construction and make-shift walls, the Weasley house still remained joyful and open to all those who needed it. I was grateful to Molly for offering to take him in, but I didn't think the safest place for him to be was around all of the Order members, despite our combined skill in defence. The safe house was actually a muggle rehabilitation centre, where I knew he could remain safe and unharmed, and hopefully my father could find better care and better coping for his grief. He had nearly been fired from the ministry, but with a well-worded letter constructed by Arthur and myself, we managed to convince them to give him a good amount of time off. Merlin knows he needed it.

Draco squeezed my hand from beside me. His face mirrored the sadness on my own, displaying the grief he felt for the safe place he had grown to appreciate. Narcissa had nearly begged that we take him in, and seeing that I practically lived alone at this point, I was grateful to have company, and provide a safe place for Draco away from Malfoy Manor. It was the place that held every single Death Eater, and Lucius returned from Azkaban only to offer it up to Voldemort.

Now, however, we were about to embark on a journey we were ill prepared for. Draco and I would travel to 4 Privet Drive to assist the transportation of Harry, and then we would make our way to the safe house. I had packed all necessities, as had Draco. We watched the car drive off with my father and mentally prepared for what was to come.


Hagrid knocked on the door and was instantly enveloped in a hug from Harry.

"Hello, Harry!" Next for a hug was Ron, then Hermione. The reunion of the three best friends brought a smile to my face.

"Alright! Wow, hello!" Harry grinned.

"You're looking fit!" Hagrid exclaimed, stepping into the doorway. Moody took little care as he pushed his way past.

"Yeah, he's absolutely gorgeous. What say we get undercover before someone murders him?" He grumbled, making his way into the living room. I followed, and Harry almost jumped on me. I laughed and hugged him back.

"Alright, Potter?" I elbowed him and he smiled. We had cleared up everything from last year, and he even gave Draco a good handshake and a small smile. I almost choked. In the most discreet exchange of letters, Harry had informed both Draco and I of the Horcrux situation. Our main goal this year was not to return to Hogwarts, and instead travel across the country in search of shards of Voldemort's soul. Sounds right fun, no?

We filed into the living room, followed by Arthur, Kingsley, and a few other new members of the order.

"Kingsley, I thought you were looking after the Prime Minister." Harry said by way of question. Kingsley patted him on the back as he came through the door.

"You are more important." He raised his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.

"Hello, Harry." Harry turned around and came face to face with the scarred face and long red hair of Bill Weasley. Accompanied by his fiancé, Fleur Delacour. He stick out his hand. "Bill Weasley."

"Oh, f- pleasure to meet you!" Harry replied, shaking his hand before giving Fleur a hug.

"He was never always this handsome." Fred smirked as he came in the room, followed by a quip from George.

"Dead ugly." Bill rolled his eyes before gesturing to his scars.

"True enough. Owe it all to a werewolf, by the name of Greyback. Hope to repay the favour one day."

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