SlugClub Christmas ☾ 6-07

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After my extremely emotional conversation with Hermione, I decided to take a walk through the castle. I knew I wasn't supposed to at night, but everyone was celebrating Ron's Quidditch victory and wouldn't see one rogue student wandering about the corridors. The sky was completely dark, and little light shone through the windows in the empty halls. The only sound were my light footsteps echoing off of the stone bricks, and I breathed in the calming night air. As I neared the astronomy tower, a chilled breeze from above filtered down toward me. I inhaled the fresh air, and rubbed my arms to rid myself of the goosebumps. Making an executive decision for myself, I decided to go up the stairs into the tower. 

My footsteps were almost silent here, as if someone had cast a charm over the large room. The metal rail was cold beneath my fingers as I climbed. I passed the large storage space beneath the floor, not sparing a second glance at the old dusty boxes, sculptures, desks and chairs that haven't been used for decades. When I reached the top of the steps, I encountered something completely unexpected.

Or should I say someone.

I recognized Draco's stark blond hair from far away as he stood leaning against the guard rail. The fringe was slightly disheveled and hung over his eyes, contrasting the pressed neatness of his black suit. I couldn't tell if he had heard me coming or not, but I slowly approached and leaned my elbows against the rail beside him. He didn't turn to look at me, or even acknowledge that I was there. He only stared, eyes dull, into the dark abyss of the night sky. There were no stars tonight, only the blackness that haunted every child's nightmares. We were both silent for a long while, staring into nothingness, content to bask in the company of our own thoughts. However, after a while, I grew anxious.

"I hope you don't hate Hogwarts as much as you said you did." I whispered. His head turned the slightest bit, before his eyes flicked over to meet my own. His gaze burned into my head for an excruciatingly long minute before he put his head in his hands.

"No, no I don't." He replied quietly. He rubbed at his eyes a bit and I noticed the small tear tracks tracing their way down his face. Putting my hand on his shoulder, I turned Draco toward me and put my hands on either side of his face. Using my thumbs to wipe away his tears, his gaze met mine again. I kept my hands on his face as we stared at each other.

"I understand, you know." His eyebrows knit together and I added, "What you said about Harry bringing a new 'something dangerous' to Hogwarts every year." Draco's frown deepened.

"I didn't mean to call his friends--you--stupid. I-I didn't mean it that way." I wiped away the fresh tears that fell across his cheeks and I nodded.

"I know." He reached up to put his hands around each of my wrists, and pulled me closer to him. I rested my forehead against his own as the night breeze swirled around us. The school's windows were darkening more by the second, as students halted their celebrations with the necessity of sleep. I, however, was not focused on anything but the warmth Draco's touch brought to my skin. We stayed this way for a long while.

"I'm so sorry." His whispers cut through the dark silence.

"I know." I whispered back. 


Hermione's bickering fell on deaf ears as I followed her through the library. I was completely unfocused, but she continued on lamenting about Ron and Lavender Brown's newfound romance.

"He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes. I really couldn't care less." The thud of the book she hauled back on to the shelf echoed through the library. "Was I under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances I've had to make other arrangements." This quickly snagged my attention.

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