Katie Bell ☾ 6-04

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The wind was frigid as the cold whipped past my face. I was, thankfully, bundled up in Quidditch gear, but it did little to shield my face against the snow.

Trials went well today. Cho was still our seeker, and she did brilliantly. Andre Egwu was our keeper, and we got a new fourth-year girl to be his substitute. She was actually pretty good, and blocked a lot of my shots, to my surprise. Bradley and Chambers remained my other chasers, and we got a couple new ones as subs as well. A lanky fifth year who was surprisingly strong, and an aggressive third year girl. We had the same two beaters from last year, and our team was set out well. I daresay we could give Gryffindor a run for their money.

The sweat on the back of my neck was frozen as I trudged back into the castle. Hermione, Ron, and Harry were on their way to Hogsmeade as they met me in the entryway.

"Blimey, Aurora, you look freezing!" Hermione called, running up to me. I nodded as I shook of some of the snow and ice that managed to make its way onto my uniform. Harry took my broom in his hands.

"This'll need some tuning after all the ice." He said to no one in particular, and I nodded in agreement.

"Lets get you into something warmer and then you can come with us!" Hermione stated, pulling me up toward the common room. Ron groaned at the delay but Harry elbowed him and they went to wait in the great hall.


Coming back down the stairs, I had traded my Quidditch uniform for a short, chunky, navy blue sweater-dress, some knee-high socks, and black boots. I was also wearing a long black button coat, and a hat that matched my socks. Hermione seemed quite proud of her outfit choosing when she shoved the clothes into my arms. We met the boys in the entryway again, and began our trek to Hogsmeade. Hermione had started an argument with Harry about his miraculous Potions textbook.

"For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it, and yet you have no desire to find out who the Half-Blood Prince is?" She urged, and Harry rolled his eyes.

"I never said I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it." He countered.

"Well, it's true!" Ron argued. "I like a nice chat before I go to bed. Now all you do is read that bloody book. It's just like being with Hermione." I laughed heartily and Hermione elbowed me.

"Well, I was curious, so I went to--"

"The library." We all cut in simultaneously. "And?"

"And nothing." She threw her arms in the air in defeat. "I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a Half-Blood Prince."

"There we go. That settles it, then." Harry stated, obviously growing a bit uncomfortable. I raised an eyebrow. Our attention was taken away as Professor Slughorn called to Professor Flitwick in front of us.

"Filius! I was hoping to find you in the Three Broomsticks." He cried.

"Uh, no, emergency choir practice, I'm afraid, Horace." Flitwick quickly replied, trudging in the snow toward us. Flitwick nodded to me as he walked past, and we continued on our way.

"Does anyone fancy a butterbeer?" Harry asked, suddenly finding himself thirsty. I gave a look to Hermione and she shot me one right back. We reluctantly followed him into the Three Broomsticks, narrowly avoiding a long conversation Slughorn was boring the barkeep with. Harry directed us to a table in the middle of the pub, and absolutely refused to let anyone sit in his eye-line toward Slughorn.

Hermione ordered from a waiter, and my attention was caught by Draco, who stopped as our gazes met. He held it for a few seconds before turning toward Harry, who was also staring. Breaking the eye contact, he quickly turned and exited the pub, careful to close the door behind him.

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