Butterbeers ☾ 3-05

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Throughout the next few weeks I have gotten more acquainted with the school and people around me. Draco and I have hung out more, just the two of us, and become good friends. Harry and Ron are both completely unaware, but Hermione is suspicious, and quickly catching on.

Snape had given us a strange lecture in Defence Against the Dark Arts. He had made a seemingly endless lesson on Werewolves, which was strange, since we were studying Redcaps and Hinkypunks. He had claimed Lupin was "incapable of teaching". I found the subject of werewolves quite interesting, considering my heritage. However, Metamorphmagi such as myself, animagi and werewolves were all quite different. Metamorphmagi are rare. They are born with the trait to change their appearance at will, much like polyjuice potion, but with no need for it. Animagi go through a tedious process, and must go through rigorous practice to perfect the transformation. They can also only become one animal. Werewolves however, become infected when bitten by another werewolf. They are then forced to become an uncontrollable, bloodthirsty and dangerous beast, completely unaware of their own actions until they transform back to humans. It was an almost fearsome subject.

Since Draco had "nearly died" from his arm injury, he got the entire Slytherin Quidditch team out of a match, forcing Gryffindor to play Hufflepuff instead. Which was okay, because Harry knew they would win, but he still wanted to get back at Malfoy.

I assumed he told his father about Buckbeak, which made me nervous. I didn't want anything to happen, and Merlin knows what that would do to Hagrid. Lucious Malfoy was a ruthless man, and I wouldn't want to be the one who wronged him. Harry was nervous too, he had so many things going on at once, especially with Sirius Black now rumoured to be in Hogwarts. He couldn't even get his Aunt and Uncle to sign his Hogsmeade permission slip.

He expressed his fears as we walked down the steps from Gryffindor Tower. I had met them up there before our trip to Hogsmeade this afternoon. Harry was very insistent on going, but because he had no parent or guardian's signature, he was forced to ask McGonagall.

"I doubt she'll agree to it, Harry." He frowned at the statement. I raised my eyebrow.

"It doesn't matter, I want to go." We continued down the hallway and out into the courtyard. McGonagall took attendance of all the third-years as we waited. Draco waved to me from his crowd of friends. I smiled back until Pug-face Parkinson nudged his shoulder. She took his hand and led him to another corner to talk by themselves. I frowned at the idea of them together. Pansy was a horrible person, to say the least. Unknowingly, my hair faded into a forest green colour. I knew what kind of person Pansy was and knowing her, she was only using Draco for his social status.

Harry was arguing with McGonagall when I turned my attention back to her. "I'm sorry, Potter. Rules are rules."

He stomped back into the castle and Hermione and I looked at each other. Harry never got permission for school trips, so none of us were surprised. I shrugged, and Ron followed as we slowly began our trek, our way to Hogsmeade.


"No Ron, that's honestly not how it works." Hermione sighed and I smiled at the two, arguing about our end-of-term potions assignment. We were walking through town when I saw Draco, looking very much like he needed an out from a conversation with Pansy.

"I'll meet up with you guys later, alright?" I stopped. Ron and Hermione nodded and continued on their way through the town. I slowly approached Pansy and Draco and she was now leaning on his arm, with her head on his shoulder. I frowned and Draco cringed as I stopped in front of them. Pansy spat near my feet.

"Get away from us, you filthy half-blood. Don't want your stench to stain our clothes, Merlin knows you can't afford them." I sneered at Pansy as she brushed some snow off of her shoulder. Her jacket was actually quite ugly, with brown patches all over and wool sleeves. I assumed Draco would say something similar, ignoring our previous conversations, but he shocked me. Draco shoved her off and came to stand beside me.

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