Christmas Eve, and Christmas Eve Eve ☾ 5-09

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As I rose from the soft mattress beneath me, I rubbed the heels of my palms into my eyes and groaned. The holidays were going by fast, and yet agonizingly, terribly slow. Christmas Eve was tomorrow, and that meant I had a whole other day of being bombarded with questions from Narcissa and my mother, hateful glares from Lucius, and absolutely no reaction from my father other than the initial one he gave at that dinner. That had been four nights ago, and I still felt pretty bloody awkward about the whole thing. Draco assured me that it was fine, and his parents actually reacted better than he expected, but a frown still decorated my face when the subject arose. I knew Lucius didn't like me, that wasn't a secret. I was a half-blood, so why would he. Narcissa was just happy for there to be more people around, and she was especially excited that Draco had found a girlfriend. I expect he never told them anything about Pansy, but they were never really together, so it didn't matter much.

I brought my legs to the side of the bed and stuffed my feet into the soft slippers laying on the floor. It was like standing on a cloud. I walked over to the dresser I had unpacked my things into, and slipped off my nightgown. Opening the drawers, I pulled on a black button down shirt, and a pair of white ripped jeans. Keeping my slippers on, I put my hair into a bun and walked out onto the landing. Over the railing, I could see my father and Draco chatting lightheartedly in the lounge, and my mother and Narcissa were waltzing about the house, planning all of the Christmas decor they were putting up tomorrow. Lucius was nowhere to be found, and I was grateful. Slowly descending the stairs, my father and Draco both turned to me with a small smile. I was happy they were getting along.

"Good morning, sweetheart!" My dad chimed from the sofa. I smiled back to him as I sat down beside Draco. He put his arm around my shoulders and we leaned into each other out of instinct. "Well aren't you two just the cutest." I blushed and Draco gave a nervous laugh as my father stood. He shook his head and snickered at our embarrassment before leaving, probably to find my mother and get breakfast from the house elves. I was still blushing when I felt Draco lean over and plant his lips on my neck, right underneath my ear. My eyes widened as he smirked.

"Morning." He whispered softly, sending tingles up and down my spine. He looked at me straight in my nervous green eyes, careful and loving emotions brimming from his blue ones. Draco had been so great these past few days, especially when it came to his dad. He always found an excuse for us not to converse with him, and stay, for the most part, away from him. However, it was soon going to be much more difficult. I couldn't possibly ask Draco to stay away from his family on Christmas, and I didn't plan on it. I would have to suffer through the endless torment of Lucius' harsh stare for a bit longer. I let out a small smile as our staring continued, only to be interrupted by my mother scurrying into the room, Narcissa following close on her heels. We both turned to our mothers.

"Draco, and Aurora, darling. We are making a day of going out to Diagon Alley. We have a few more last minute gift purchases, and things to prepare for the party. We would like for you to join us." Narcissa smiled brightly to the both of us and Draco groaned. He hated shopping. I also completely forgot about the party they were throwing. Apparently every Christmas Eve the Malfoys host an elaborate party to celebrate the holiday. Many high up pureblood families would be in attendance, and that added to my stack of things to be worried about.

"Of course, your fathers will be staying here, it seems they've gotten into quite the conversation about some of the guests in the other room." My mother added, giving a nervous glance to the foyer behind her. We grabbed our things, and crowded by the chimney. Taking the floo network, we arrived quickly at Diagon Alley.


After an entire day of shopping, enduring our mother's embarrassing conversations about us, and an incredibly awkward dinner, Draco and I headed upstairs. I placed my hand on the doorknob, and turned toward him. He glanced nervously at me and rubbed the back of his neck.

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