The Second Task ☾ 4-11

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I walked alone toward the docks, being led by the thrum of students toward the second task. I hadn't seen Aurora yet, but I wanted to talk to her at some point. I knew she was most likely with Krum, so I decided to wait until the task was over. 

I walked past the Weasley twins, taking bets on the competition as usual. I got into a boat with a handful of Hufflepuffs who eyed me warily. We were taken toward a set of stands that were set up in the middle of the Black Lake, which seemed unnecessary considering the lake was so dark you couldn't see past the first two feet of water. I stationed myself in the middle section, and listened as Dumbledore was making announcements about the task. I spotted Krum and the other champions lined up at the bottom, being tended to by their headmasters. No sign of Aurora. I frowned.

"Welcome to the second task. Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure, of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure, and return to the surface. Simple enough, except for this, they will have but one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they will be on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the sound of the cannon. In-" The cannon blasted early, and the three champions dove into the water. Potter, however, was doubled over on the deck, looking like he was about to be sick. Moody pushed him into the water, and the audience watched him writhe as he sunk farther and farther down.

I noticed Krum transfigured his head into a shark's in order to breathe. It was smart, but a little intense if you asked me. Both Diggory and Delacour used bubble-head charms. Those could be dangerous, if they popped. Everyone stood waiting on the platforms as the clock began ticking down, still no sign of Aurora.


As Harry sunk further toward the bottom of the lake, he realized that gills had begun to grow on his neck. His fingers became webbed, as did his feet. Now being able to breathe, he swum up and did a flip above the water. The audience cheered as he dove back down toward the bottom. The lake was like an ocean, filled with strange fish and trenches. Harry swum downward, even through the trenches. Hearing familiar soft singing, Harry followed the voices through the weeds and kelp. It was almost ethereal, had he not known how vicious merpeople were. He spotted Fleur swimming aggressively through the kelp, but in the other direction. He paid her no mind and continued on. 

Fleur kept swimming in that direction, her head spinning from the water pressure. She had no clue where she was going, only that she must continue searching. She spotted a grindylow, and shrank back in fear. The nasty little beasts were a common cause of some gruesome deaths. She barely noticed as one curled around her foot and pulled her to the bottom.

As Harry continued through the weeds, he noticed a mermaid and began to follow her. She stung him as she swam by, but he pushed through the pain. Her fish tail weaved effortlessly through the lake, and Harry followed quietly.

Up at the spectator towers, Dumbledore began to make another announcement.

"The Beauxbatons's champion, Miss Delacour, has unfortunately been forced to retire. So she will take no further part in this task." 

Under the water, Harry began to hear the singing again. He followed it and the Mermaid to an algae-covered stone ruin underneath the water. Underneath the biggest stone arch, protected by a group of Mermaids, lay the four missing students, chained to the lake's floor. Aurora, Ron, Cho, and Gabrielle were motionless, lungs protected by the enchantment Dumbledore had cast upon them.

Harry swam quickly toward the chains, and began to fiddle with the cuff around Ron's ankle. The mermaids watched closely as he undid the loop. The mermaids screeched and Harry turned to see the appearance of Cedric, swimming over to Cho and pulling out his wand. He looked over at Harry and tapped his watch. Harry nodded, and Diggory grabbed Cho's hand after blasting the chains and pulled her toward the surface. 

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