4 of 5 ☾ 7-07

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Draco, Harry and I watched from the crest of the hill as Hermione tied her scarf to a tree. It was meant to be left as a marker for Ron to find us, but I wasn't sure he'd want to even use it. She finished tying and walked up the hill to meet us. We all looked down at the scarf, and I frowned as we all joined hands and disapparated.

We appeared again on a moor-type mountain and Draco took Harry to go set up the tent and boundary charms. I took Hermione toward the cliff and we sat on a rock together. The sun slowly began to set as we silently watched the horizon.

"I think he'll come back." I stated quietly, watching the clouds drift overhead. Hermione turned to look at me and I noticed the tear tracks staining her cheeks.

"I can't be sure anymore. He's never said anything like that to anyone before. I feel bad for Draco." She replied, looking down into her hands. I looked over at Draco, who had his wand in his hand and was muttering spells to himself as the barrier set itself in place. He was putting on a brave face, but we all knew how he felt about the comment Ron made. It hit him deep. Lucius had always been so controlling and adamant about how the Malfoys were meant to uphold their chilling reputation, and Draco had finally gotten away from that only to be scrutinized by someone he trusted. I understand if Ron was unsure at the beginning, but what he said was uncalled for. Hermione sighed softly.

"He will. It was mostly the locket, and he'll be back." I said surely. To be honest, I wasn't sure if he'd be back, but I'm putting my faith in him and my intuition to the test. As the sun vanished behind the hills on the horizon, Hermione and I walked hand-in-hand back toward the tent. Harry was scouting in the distance, even though we were so high up we could see around us for a good distance. Draco was making his way toward us as well, and Hermione ducked into the tent as he grasped my hand tightly.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him quietly. He looked down at our joined hands and smiled grimly.

"I would be a lot worse if you weren't here." He stated by way of answer. I frowned and pulled him to sit down next to me beside the tent. Harry nodded at us and went inside. I leaned my head on his shoulder and kissed his knuckle. He went still for a moment before relaxing into my touch.

"It's a good thing I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." I gave a small smile and he squeezed my hand. The moon began to shine dimly through the clouds as it rose, and Hermione fiddled with the radio inside. I took a deep breath as I listened to the steady music beginning to filter out. We sat together for a while, calmly feeling the breeze and taking the brief moment to think about something other than horcruxes.

(Hey, little train, wait for me. I once was blind, but now I see. Have you left a seat for me? Is that such a stretch of the imagination?)

Draco suddenly stood and extended his hand toward me, and I raised an eyebrow as I took it. He stood me up and pulled me close, and I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck. In return, he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tightly. We began to sway lightly, and I felt him rest his chin on the top of my head. He took my hands once again and we began to dance properly, and I laughed quietly as he spun me around.

"This is how we would have danced that night." He whispered as he twirled me. I furrowed my brow and looked at him sadly. "You were so beautiful. That dress reminded me so much of you, and everything you are. I couldn't stop staring the whole night."

(Hey, little train, wait for me. I was held in chains, but now I'm free. I'm hanging in there, don't you see, in this process of elimination.)

I felt a tear slip past my cheek as I recalled the Yule Ball. He looked so handsome in his dress robes, and even though I went with Viktor, who was great, Draco was who I really wished I had spent the evening with. I felt him brush his thumb across my cheek to wipe away the tear. He placed his forehead against mine and we stopped dancing. More tears slid down my face, and I felt some fall from his as well.

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