Summer ☾ 3-10

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☾ Aurora's POV

Stepping off the train and waving goodbye to my best friend was hard, but this was worse.

I had been writing to Draco all summer, and he hadn't said much. He'd been shadowing his father, doing Merlin knows what, and doing things other than writing anything back. I was mad. He could at least tell me why he didn't write, or ask how things have been, but as I read over the last letter he sent, I don't think he seemed to care.


I look forward to seeing you at Hogwarts this year. My father tells me the Ministry has something special planned. It undoubtedly will bring something new and eventful to the school. I haven't heard what it is yet, and I don't expect I will.



That was it?!

I read the lines over and over in my head. It sounded like it was written by a robot. I hadn't seen him since the train, and this is all he had sent. Even after everything we'd been through that year. The memory is still fresh in my mind.

"I- I like you. Aurora. Not as a friend." He added, making sure he didn't make the same mistake as last time.

I fumed as I stormed down the steps of our quaint little townhouse. Perfectly sized to our three person family.

My mother scurried toward the stairs from the kitchen. She put a finger to her lips as she gestured upstairs in the direction from my father's study. He had been working in there, and the Ministry, all summer. The famous Quidditch World Cup was taking place again this year, and with his new position he had spared no second of time. Back and forth, he used our floo system to transport himself directly into his office at the Ministry. I was meant to be quiet, I knew he had a lot of work to do, but that didn't help conceal my anger. My mother was taken aback by the stark red colour of my hair, taking my current emotion into account.

She ushered me toward our living area, my favourite room, and sat me down in my chair. She sat across from me, and patiently waited until the floo chimney produced a bright green flame. Out walked my father's co-worker, Ludovic Bagman. He gave a curt wave to my mother and I before hurrying off to my father's study.

After a while, I was now curled up in the chair with a Divination book, as my mother busied herself with cleaning our house. Her wand in hand, objects whizzed across the room into their correct places. I had always despised Divination, and never wanted to take it, but I was trying to take as many courses as possible to improve my grades. Divination seemed improbable and useless to me, especially since last year Professor Trelawney claimed I didn't possess 'the gift'.

Bagman came blundering down the stairs, with what seemed like thousands of scrolls in his hands. His arms were completely full as he exited through the chimney. My father came swiftly after him, his steps light and calm. His tall skinny form stopped in front of my chair. His crooked grin covering his face as he looked down expectantly at me.

"What?" I looked up at him, confused. Our identical green eyes met as he pulled me to my feet.

"Want to come into work with me today? I can show you the project I've been working on." His eyes sparkled with familiar passion as I grinned. No doubt his 'project' was the 'something special' Draco had mentioned in his letter, and I was dying to know what it was.

"Hold on, I have to get ready." I sprinted upstairs, and my father's eye-roll was almost audible. Over the summer I had begun to focus much more on my appearance, and I refuse to go anywhere in the sweatpants I currently wore. I had also grown a little taller, and to my surprise, curvier. Hurriedly diving through my closet, I finally found an outfit.

I held up a long-sleeved black shirt, that was quite form fitting. It had a wide neck, almost off the shoulder. I paired it with a necklace my mother had gifted to me for my birthday, and a brown skirt. I also wore long white socks underneath the heeled black boots I selected from the mess I had made. Quickly changing, I met my father next to the fireplace and we made our way to the Ministry.


We walked through the crowded entrance hallway of the Ministry for Magic. It was large, and even though I had been there before, the sight still amazed me. The shiny black bricks reflected the entirety of the interior, including the massive gold fountain in the middle. People parted for us to walk as we made our way toward the elevators. I knew my father could have apparated us to his office, but he always said it was more dignified this way.

"Ah, Mr. Whitethorn. A pleasure to see you again." We turned to see Lucius Malfoy, approaching with a distracted-looking Draco following close behind him. Draco looked the same, but different. He had changed too, possibly making him even more attractive than before. His blond hair still hung gracefully over his face, and his clothing choice was fitting. He wore a slim, all black suit, no question courtesy of his father's influence. His eyes briefly met mine before inspecting an invisible speck of dust on the floor.

"Lucius, please. Call me Sebastian." My father and Lucius had made good friends over the course of the year. My father was pureblood, so I had a feeling that had something to do with it. They had grown close, and dare I say, become friends. They chatted for a bit, and I naturally tuned it out. Draco looked up again, and I noticed the exchange of papers appear before me.

"Please, wouldn't you join us in the Minister's box for the finals? I'm sure Aurora and I would love to have you both." My eyes snapped up at the mention of my name, and I watched my father hand over two tickets. Lucius accepted them graciously, nodding toward me.

"It would be an honour, Sebastian. Aurora, I do hope we can chat a bit, hm? I'm sure you're as excited as Draco for the finals." I nodded, unsure of what to say. It was no secret to my father that I disliked Lucius, but there was nothing to be done about it now.

They exchanged pleasantries again, and I watched as Draco silently followed his father toward the exit. He hadn't said a word.

Sorry I had to cut this one short! I've had a bit of writer's block with trying to incorporate all of my ideas so hopefully it turns out okay. The next chapter should be much longer, so don't worry!

- Z

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