Endings and Beginnings ☾ 6-11

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McGonagall led the small group of us inside to the Great Hall. The shattered glass that once covered the floor had been cleaned up, and the broken dishes, platters, and goblets had been cleared from the tables. All that remained were 5 empty tables, Dumbledore's empty throne, and space where beautiful stained glass windows used to be. Even the enchantment on the ceiling had disappeared.

We all sat down at one of the four tables and McGonagall folded her hands as she took a seat across from Draco and I. Everyone nervously looked at each other until she gave a small nod.


So we did. Draco told his story about the summer, Borgin and Burke's and his initiation into the Death Eaters. I tried to keep my opinions to myself, however it was difficult to listen to the whole story from his perspective. I shed more than a few tears. He continued about how Voldemort had not only threatened his life, but mine and his family's as well. He had no choice.

Harry, extraordinarily, kept quiet the entire time, careful to listen to every detail in case Draco let one slip that could incriminate him. Alas, he didn't. Once Draco had finished his story, I went on to tell her how I followed him to the Astronomy tower and was forced to watch with a wand to my throat. Harry testified for this as well, having seen the whole thing from below. He told his story about his suspecting Draco from the beginning, but not realizing how much danger everyone was in. It was a big year for all of us. McGonagall huffed.

"Well, you all just seem to add something to every year, don't you." She remarked, rubbing her wrinkled temples. Ron let out a laugh, and Hermione stifled a smile with her hand. I bit my lip and Draco squeezed my hand from beside me. McGonagall sighed and looked at everyone. "You may all go about your business." As we started to get up and leave, McGonagall put a hand on Draco's. "I'm sorry, Mr. Malfoy. If there's anything I can do for you and your family... to help your situation, I'm only an owl away." Draco blinked back tears in his eyes and nodded, and I gave McGonagall a grateful smile before leading Draco to the empty bridge.


We stood side by side, overlooking the Black Lake as the sun began to set. A golden sheen lit up the world around us and the water sparkled below. I looked over to see Draco's face, finally showing some form of peace. His eyes looked sad, but he had a new outlook on the world, and his piercing silver gaze held more truth than it had in a long time. His hair looked whiter than it had ever been, completely contrasting with his crisp, albeit wrinkled, black suit. I turned to look over the valley once again when I heard him intake a breath.

"I'm so sorry, Aurora." He whispered. His voice was raspy, and held the remnants of immense grief.

"I forgive you." I replied simply. He turned to look at me at this, with an incredulous look on his face. Like he still felt the reminder of pain. I turned to meet his gaze, and our eyes locked for a long time before he decided to crush me in a bone-crushing embrace. I hugged him back, grateful to breathe in his green-apple scent without the fear of danger.

"I promise you, it will be different." He whispered, burying his face in my ebony hair. I nodded into his chest, and he pulled back to put a hand on my face. I looked up at him, seeing only love and adoration in his gaze.

"I love you, Draco."

"I love you." His voice cracked, and he pulled me close once more. Only this time, his lips met mine in a bruising kiss. It held all of the passion and emotion I had been missing from him. I kissed him back with the same passion, and I knew then that I wouldn't let him go. Not now, not ever.

Not even on the unknown adventure we were about to embark upon.

I know this chapter is like the shortest thing ever so I'm posting the next one, too. You're welcome. ;)
(but in the mean time, go check out my new Maze Runner story!)

- Z

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