A Narrow Escape ☾ 7-03

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☾ This was the part that I completely lost and almost had to rewrite before something magically brought it back (I have no idea) so you better read it while it's here lol.

We appeared in the middle of a muggle street, and directly in front of a bus. We darted out of the way and pressed our backs into a fence bordering the street. That was a tad closer than I would have liked. I breathed out sharply, keeping a hand on my undetectably extended bag. Looking around, I noticed we were in the middle of London.

"That was a bit close." Draco mumbled in relief as we took a minute to breathe. We didn't have a minute, however. Hermione, being muggle-born, quickly led us through the city and along the sidewalks. The chatter of people around us and car horns was deafening. Did muggles really have to be so loud?

"Where are we?" Ron asked, worriedly.

"Shaftesbury Avenue." Hermione replied sharply. "I used to come to the theatre here with Mum and Dad." We struggled to keep up with her as she walked briskly along the pavement. I was especially struggling in these bloody ridiculous shoes. "I don't know why I thought of it. It just popped into my head. This way." She led us through shops and markets, people on all sides trying to get us to buy whatever it was they were selling. Some of them, I didn't even want to know. 

"Hey, doll. You fancy a drink?" A muggle standing outside of a sleazy bar grabbed my arm. His hair was greasy and he had tobacco stuck in his teeth. "You're too pretty to be spending the night with this sloppy bloke." He sneered at Draco, who looked like he was about to commit a murder. I yanked my arm out of the drunk's grasp and pulled a furious Draco along. We didn't need any distractions keeping us from the task at hand. I cringed as I rubbed at the place where he grabbed my arm. It felt dirty. We ducked town into an alley, which gave us reprieve from the bustle of the city streets.

"We need to change." I stated, and Hermione nodded. We stopped along a brick wall and both opened our bags, finding the clothes for the boys before pulling out some for ourselves. Hermione had to stick her arm almost all the way into the bag.

"How the ruddy..." Ron mumbled.

"Undetectable extension charm." I replied, pulling out a black hoodie and grey jeans for Draco. I almost had to stick my head inside to find the sneakers he had given me to pack earlier.

"Brilliant." Harry replied, taking a shirt and jeans from Hermione.

"You're amazing, you are." Ron shook his head in disbelief at her.

"Always the tone of surprise." She replied with a smirk as she handed him a t-shirt and pants. She opened the bag further and a loud thumping could be heard. I raised an eyebrow and she cringed. "Ah. That'll be the books." She pulled out a jacket and pants for herself.

I turned back to my bag and pulled out a grey sweater, some leggings and a pair of sneakers. Thank Merlin I hadn't forgotten my shoes. We all quickly got changed. Hermione took us down a series of side-streets before we popped into a small diner. We took a seat at the table and Harry folded his hands in front of him.

"What about all the people at the wedding? Do you think we should go back?" He asked concerned.

"They were after you, mate." Draco said. "We can't go back now."

"We'd be putting everyone in danger." Ron added. I put a hand on Harry's shoulder to comfort him.

"They'll be alright, the Order was there. We all know how to handle ourselves." I said, trying to sound confident. Truth be told, I wasn't sure there would be anything to go back to even if we did. A young girl wearing blaring headphones approached our table with a notepad.

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