The Third Task / Cedric. ☾ 4-12

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Harry burst into the Gryffindor common room, obviously frustrated. We looked up from Ron's chess set as he sat down on the couch, grumbling.

"What is it, Harry?" Hermione asked, putting her book down.

"Snape just accused me of stealing ingredients from his storeroom, and threatened me with Veritaserum." He muttered.

"Well what did you steal?" I asked, putting my chin in my hands. Harry looked at me like I grew a second head.

"I haven't stolen anything! He said he thought we were brewing polyjuice potion." He flopped back onto the couch, laying his head off of the end.

"The bloody hell do we need with polyjuice potion?" I concentrated and morphed my face into Snape's halfway through the sentence and looked at the group. Ron screeched and jumped backward.

"I forgot you could do that." He mumbled, eyes wide. Harry snorted and Hermione giggled before closing her large book.

Harry shrugged and put a pillow over his face. I don't think he was quite ready for another task.


The Hogwarts march played from the band as Flitwick conducted from a podium. The crowd was waiting for the task to begin as the champions entered the arena from between the stands. Cedric's father was presenting him proudly. Fleur walked in nervously, looking tired of the competition as her classmates demonstrated a very practiced cheer. The Durmstrang boys (plus me, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle) started cheering as Krum exited, raising his fists. My father and Dumbledore followed and went around to each champion. Harry reluctantly exited from between the stands as he went to stand in line. Dumbledore amplified his voice again as he explained the final task.

"Silence! Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum, then Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup, will be the winner! I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather 'round. Quickly!" He shouted. The stands remained silent in order to try and hear Dumbledore's explanation. The most I could hear was a bit of muttering.

"Champions! Prepare yourselves!" The four champions took station at each entrance of the maze. My heart started to beat faster as I took in the length of the maze. It went on for bloody forever. They'd be in there for hours. The crowd cheered for their respective champions.

"On the count of three, one-" The cannon fired early for the third and final time, and the champions stalked into the maze.


After about 45 minutes, the crowd started getting antsy. I don't think everyone realized just how long we were going to have to wait. People cried out as red sparks were shot into the air. Teachers and Aurors moved into the maze to collect the champion, but did not return for another 30 minutes. A shaking and dishevelled Fleur Delacour was laid on a stretcher, Madam Maxime worriedly following close behind. They went into the stands again, and did not return. 


The second set of sparks shot into the air, and people began to worry. If two of four champions couldn't even handle the maze, how was anyone supposed to win? Almost another hour later, a fuming Karkaroff exited the maze with another stretcher on his heels. I almost jumped out of the stands as I ran to see Viktor. As he floated across the clearing, his body was laying motionless, eyes completely white and clouded. My jaw dropped and my vision clouded with tears as I grabbed his hand. I could see and feel him breathing but Dumbledore held me back before I could follow the stretcher and Karkaroff to the infirmary. Dumbledore had me sit with him for the remainder of the task. I could barely contain my tears as I watched the motionless maze. How could I ever focus on the competition if my... my boyfriend was bewitched lying in a stretcher somewhere else? I was practically shaking.

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