Not the Burrow ☾ 6-08

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The windows of the Hogwarts express were cold and wet with frost as we moved along through the snowy landscape. I had my head in my hands and Ron was fidgeting relentlessly.

"Unbreakable Vow. Are you sure that's what Snape said?" Ron asked, turning toward Harry, who was leaning up against the window.

"Positive. Why?" Harry replied, looking to his best friend. Ron's face was twisted in confusion.

"Well, it's just you can't break an Unbreakable Vow." He mused. I smacked my head into my hands a few times.

"I'd worked that much out for myself, funnily enough." Harry replied. Ron frowned and I let out a snicker. Ron opened his mouth to say more but I cut him off.

"Bloody hell." Lavender brown was now stood outside of our carriage tapping on the glass doorway. The three of us turned toward her and she exhaled all over the glass. It fogged with condensation, and she drew a little heart with R + L inside of it. Harry pretended not to look, but I just frowned at it. Ron grinned as she mouthed 'I miss you' through the doorway. I made a 'bleugh' noise and Harry snickered when Ron smacked me on the arm. She ran away after completing her little drawing.

"Lovely." Harry said sarcastically. I smirked when Ron leaned forward.

"All she wants to do is snog me. My lips are getting chapped. Look!" He shoved his face toward Harry and I laughed.

"I'll take your word for it." Harry recoiled.

"Merlin's beard, Ron, that's disgusting." I scrunched my nose and he shot me a look. Hermione suddenly came around the corner, presumably to join us in the carriage, but once she saw Lavender's drawing she ran off. We sat in awkward silence for a moment until Harry turned back toward Ron and I.

"So what happens to you? What happens if you break an Unbreakable Vow?" He questioned.

"You die." Ron and I answered simultaneously.


Ron and his family had graciously invited me and a few other members of the Order to stay with them over Christmas. I happily obliged, however my father wished to continue staying at home by himself. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried, but I tried not to think about it. Fred and George were currently making a ruckus with Christmas crackers, and Harry, Lupin, Tonks, Arthur and I were seated around the low coffee table by the fire.

"So Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?" Remus summed up. I rested my chin on my hand and looked toward Harry skeptically. I knew there was something going on with Draco, obviously, but for him to be recruited as a Death Eater and be selected for a mission? That sounds mad.

"I know it sounds mad." Harry said by way of answer, and Remus cut him off.

"Has it occurred to you, Harry, that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so he could find out what he was up to?"

"That's not what it sounded like." Harry pushed, and I shook my head.

"Perhaps Harry's right, Remus." Tonks stated. Her purple hair was muted under the dim firelight. "I mean, to make an Unbreakable Vow-"

"It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgement. Dumbledore trusts Snape, therefore I do." Lupin argued back.

"Dumbledore can make mistakes, he said so himsel-"

"You're blinded by hatred." I interjected. Everyone turned toward me and I shook my head. "Harry, Draco is a good person, whether you believe it or not. This is not something he would do willingly, or lightly."

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