The Wedding ☾ 7-02

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"Ron! Fred! Pay attention! It's your brother's wedding! Buck up!" Arthur's voice chorused across the fields and into the house as the Weasley boys struggled to put the wedding tent up outside. I was currently in the empty room Molly had assigned to the girls, trying to decide on how I should do my hair for today's events. Even though it was early morning, I felt the need to be prepared. Maybe I could do a nice braid? Or perhaps a bun... My thoughts were interrupted by a swift and quiet knock on the door.

"Come in." I said quietly. Ginny and Hermione were downstairs already, but I was told by Hermione earlier that a few select individuals were refusing to get out of bed. The door opened, and Draco stepped quietly into the room before closing the door behind him. I turned from the vanity mirror where I was sitting and smiled at him. He smiled back at me, and I looked him up and down.

"Well don't you look rather dashing." I teased, standing up to brush my hand over the shoulder of his vest. To the surprise of everyone, he had traded in his infamous black suit for a grey button down, a navy blue vest, and some matching slacks. It suited him, in a different way than his other go-to outfit. It made him look a bit older, but in a way that made his hair look darker, and his stubble a bit more prominent than before. He was devilishly handsome. He grinned at my compliment and stuck his hands in his pockets.

"I thought it might be a bit more appropriate for the occasion. Besides, I've grown a bit tired of wearing the same colour every day." He mused, looking up into space like he could see something interesting. I raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe you have learned a thing or two since you've known me." I chuckled and he rolled his eyes.

"I suppose." He replied. I shook my head and turned back to the vanity mirror. I was running a bit behind schedule now. Turning back to Draco, I bit my lip.

"I'm running a tad late. What did you need me for?" I felt guilty about rushing him out of here, but I needed to get ready at some point. He nodded in understanding and stepped forward slowly with his hands still in his pockets.

"Oh, well I'll get out of your hair then," He smirked and I rolled my eyes at the joke. "I only came for this." I looked at him strangely because he wasn't holding anything, and I had no idea what he could possibly mean. He stepped forward and suddenly planted a kiss on my forehead. Before I could even say anything, he smiled again and turned on his heel to swagger out of the room. Well, then.


I came slowly down the stairs because the shoes I was wearing were quite ridiculous. Hermione had insisted I wear heels because she was going to and she didn't want to do it alone, so she selected some that suited my dress fairly well. I could hear the boys outside still assembling the tent, and I watched Harry and Ginny go outside to inspect the process. Just as I had hoped, Draco was leaning against the kitchen counter by himself, sipping a cup of tea. He turned when he heard me coming down the stairs, and his eyes widened as he took in my outfit.

The dress was short and black, covered from neckline to hemline in beautiful lace patterns. The neckline went all the way up to my collar bone, but tastefully showed off a bit of skin underneath. Hermione had chosen pointed black stilettos as my shoes, and they had a little strap that wrapped around my ankle. My hair was done up in a bun, with a few strands of hair hanging to frame my face. I approved of the ensemble, and I think Draco did too. He nearly spat out his tea.

☾ (I'm including a picture, just because I like the visual better than my description. I know the picture is a bit blurry, but that's the best one I could find.)


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