Practiced ☾ 5-07

720 19 23

Educational Decree No. 82

All students must submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities.

After transfiguration I was on my way to Umbridge's classroom, and I looked at the wall of Decrees. They were multiplying at a rapid rate, and the wall was almost completely full. Filch would soon have to start hanging them from the ceiling. I slowly made my way to the classroom, wanting to delay as much as possible. She had called in the first round of students for questioning, and since I was a favourite of hers, that round of students included me.

As I peered into the class, a long line of students from different houses and years were waiting to be put up on the chopping block. A boy was beckoned into the pink office, and I heard Umbridge offer him a cup of tea. As the sun began to set, the line in the room got shorter and shorter, until it was only me. She stood at the top of the small staircase, beckoning me in with an adder's smile I had seen so many times before. I sat down in the chair she set out, and she sat down across from me.

"Would you like a cup of tea, dear?" She asked sweetly, pulling her teapot closer. I shook my head, and she tilted hers, pouting her lip a bit. "Oh please, dear, I insist. This is not an auror interrogation." She laughed at her little joke, and in my mind, I scoffed.

It sure bloody feels like one.

As she poured the tea, I quickly glanced around the room to see any signs of violence or suffering, to no avail. However, out of the corner of my eye, I did see her pull out a small bottle and pour a few drops into the tea. Was she really stooping to the level of poison? Or maybe... My eyes widened as I realized what she had been doing. None of the students in the first group had been DA members, thankfully, but she was planning on using Veritaserum on every student until someone squealed. She pushed the teacup toward me, and waited. I brought it to my lips, and pretended to take a sip behind the teacup. Satisfied, she smiled as I set it back down.

"Now dear, have you noticed anything strange around the castle lately?"

"No, professor."

"Are you completely sure? You know what happens when you lie." She glanced menacingly toward my hands and I pretended to take another sip of tea. Convinced I couldn't lie, she asked more questions.

"Do you know of anything Dumbledore has revealed to your little friends?"

"No, professor, Dumbledore has been avoiding us all year." That part wasn't a lie, and she ate it up.

"How about any of your friends. Doing anything they shouldn't? Heard anything lately?" I shook my head after yet another false sip. She narrowed her eyes. "Are you absolutely sure? No special false name for a club? Anything at all?"

"No, I'm sorry professor. My friends and I are grateful you're bringing some order to our school." Not taking any sort of judgement with the comment, she nodded.

"Alright then, dear, you may go." I stood up and started to leave the room. "However, if I discover any lying, you will face the consequences." Frowning, I took it upon myself to get the hell out of there.

Merlin, she was out of her mind.


Today in the DA meeting, I informed Harry and the rest of the members of Umbridge's veritaserum use. Everyone swore to not drink the tea, or not to tell anyone anything that could hint them toward us. Harry gave a satisfied nod.

In our lessons, we learned how to levitate objects and people into the air, like a more advanced version of 'Wingardium Leviosa'. Nigel was currently suspended in the air, and I came up to Fred, who was watching Harry and Cho. She was actually doing quite well, and was listening closely to Harry's instructions. However, when Harry moved her arm up higher, after a few minutes she turned to look at him and lost concentration. Nigel plummeted to the floor and got up quickly.

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