The Ball ☾ 4-09

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I sat in a chair patiently as Luna finished doing my hair. It was beautiful, she had coiled each piece into an up-do on the top of my head. A few stray pieces were curled around to frame my face. I looked into the mirror as I put on a small, delicate necklace. It was very simple, with a very small pendant. I looked pretty. I felt pretty. Even my makeup was simple, I didn't want to take the focus away from my dress.

I pulled the large garment bag out of my closet and hurried to the bathroom to put it on. My dorm-mates were waiting outside the bathroom; I was the last one ready, as usual. Cho wore a traditional gold dress, her hair pinned up on her head, framing her face. Padma wore a pink and orange sari, which we were told matched her sister's. Luna wore an interesting rose-gold ruffled dress, her wavy hair falling down her back with some pieces pinned on the back of her head. However, out of everyone's, my dress was still my favourite. Maybe it was a little conceited, but I didn't care. I looked in the mirror and smiled. It was perfect. I slipped the billowing sleeves over my wrists and zipped up the back with my wand. I stepped out of the bathroom and did a curtsy, the girls clapped and smiled. The dress was floor-length, and made of a thin billowy blue fabric. It was beaded beautifully with the sleeves falling off my shoulders. The beaded belt cinched and accentuated my waist, and it had a slit in the fabric, exposing a length of my leg and matching shoes.

☾ (I wanted to include a picture, for your reference

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(I wanted to include a picture, for your reference. I love this dress.)

Now ready, we made our way out into the common room. I saw Stretton leaning against a large bookcase, waiting for his date. He actually cleaned up nice. His dark blue dress-robes were styled nicely, and he winked at me as we passed by. I threw him a smile and followed my friends out of the common room.

I waved to my dorm-mates and left to meet Hermione. She was waiting for me outside of the Gryffindor common room, chatting with the fat lady about her gown. I approached them with a smirk. We smiled as we looked each-other up and down.

"You look gorgeous, Hermione." I grinned.

"As do you," She replied. We linked arms, said goodbye to the fat lady, and made our way down to the great hall. We stopped at the last staircase and she peered around the corner. I raised my eyebrow and she whispered, "We need to make a dramatic entrance." I giggled. She went first, and heads turned as she made her way slowly down the stairs. The ruffles on her dress moved beautifully as her legs carried her toward her date. Krum's friend Geralt, turned with wide eyes when he saw her. He made his way to the staircase and offered her his hand. She turned to wink at me and smiled at Ron and Harry before following the crowd into the converted ballroom.

I took a deep breath before rounding the corner. I felt hundreds of eyes on me as I took the first step. Krum turned as soon as he saw me, and a huge grin plastered itself on his face. I was showing off a bit of skin, but I felt more beautiful then than I ever had before. I continued down the steps, earning glances and whispers from everyone. Even Ron's jaw dropped to the floor. I smirked as I looked over his dress robes. Poor boy. Even Draco stood by the entrance, blatantly ignoring whatever Pansy was telling him. His dress robes consisted of a black coat and pants, with a white collar and vest. He looked very handsome. His eyes shone as he watched me descend, his gaze never leaving me once. Krum came to meet me at the bottom of the steps, offering his arm, still grinning like a madman. I returned the smile and took his arm. Everyone except for the champions were ushered into the hall.

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