Always ☾ 2 Years After The Battle of Hogwarts

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I waved to George as I exited the joke shop, some new candy or product in hand. I hadn't looked at it much, but I always loved to support Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. I walked casually down Diagon Alley toward the Floo fireplace, and grabbed a handful of powder.

"Blueblood Landing." I commanded calmly as I threw the powder at my feet. The fire erupted around me and I arrived in the little cottage Draco and I had learned to call home. It was south of Cornwall, along the coast, surprisingly close to Shell Cottage where Bill and Fleur Weasley currently resided. It was beautiful, secluded, and I couldn't ask for a better place to spend hours with the one I loved.

I placed the new Weasley products and the few groceries I'd purchased on our kitchen counter before looking around. It was eerily quiet. I walked into every room, but Draco was nowhere to be found. I went into our shared office, his half of the room neatly organized with his work in Dark Artifacts at the Ministry. He had inherited his family's collection, but immediately turned them over to the Ministry and helps with the research and discovery of such artifacts.

My half, however, was much less organized, with posters and drawings of various magical beasts. I had followed Dumbledore's suggestion and pursued a career in Mazoology. There, however, was a note left on my desk that I had not noticed before.


I'm inside. I have something important to talk to you about, my love.


I narrowed my eyes at the note. I always preferred if he asked before going inside, but I knew he wouldn't break or mess up anything. Hopefully. I walked to the middle of the room, where the briefcase Dumbledore left me years ago sat casually. I unlatched it, and opened the top, stepping inside and descending the ladder.

The first time I discovered the secrets of the briefcase, the rooms below had been left abandoned and incredibly messy. I thought my desk upstairs was bad, but this used to be far worse. Cobwebs, mice, other various creatures I will not talk about, it was horrific, but Draco helped me out and cleaned everything up. It was as good as new. I walked out of the office part, past the Bowtruckles, thestrals, and even the Kelpie I had rescued from smugglers a few months ago.

She was still healing, but she was as feisty as ever. I passed the Zouwu I had found abandoned in here as well. He was one of the only ones left in the world, and was extremely malnourished trapped down here. I had known their lifespans were long, but to be stuck in a dingy briefcase for 70 years was just torturous. Either way, I nursed him back to health and was currently conversing with the Chinese Ministry for Magic to find him a proper home where he could be preserved.

I kept walking, to find a brand new enclosure. My eyes widened as I took it all in. The room was large, and had been transformed into a thick forest with humidity that could kill. Perfect for a Demiguise. Draco was standing in a clearing in the forest, a wide smile on his face.

"What is this? It's beautiful!" I exclaimed, gesturing to the new environment. He looked around and nodded, still grinning.

"Happy Birthday, my love." He stated, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing a kiss to the top of my head. My hair turned a deep pink as he rested his chin on my head.

"How did you manage to do this?" I asked. I told Draco about my latest expeditions to find and preserve the endangered Demiguise populations, but my lack of habitats to keep them. I couldn't stop the grin on my face from appearing if I wanted it do.

"Ah, a magician never tells." He said, smiling. I shook my head turning around to look at him. He looked down at me as I placed my hands to the sides of his face.

"You amaze me, darling. Thank you." I said quietly. He shrugged like it was no big deal before leaning down and enveloping me in a deep kiss. He smiled and pulled back, leaving a mischievous grin on his face. I raised an eyebrow, looking at him suspiciously. "What is that look for?" I asked.

"I have another surprise." He announced. I shook my head and smiled. He always made such a big deal out of things like this. He pulled a bouquet of flowers out of nowhere and extended them to me. I smiled and reached out to take them, but was whisked away.

Looking around, I realized the bouquet was a Portkey. We had travelled a long distance, I gathered. We stood alone on a cliffside, the moon shining brightly above, the stars twinkling. The ocean crashed quietly against the rocks below, and if it was brighter I would guess the water to be a deep turquoise. It was gorgeous. There were wildflowers in the fields behind me, and I gasped at the sight of it all.

"Where-" I began, before stopping dead. I looked down to see Draco, my love, my best friend, my boyfriend, my everything, stooping down to one knee in front of me. He pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it, presenting the ring inside to me. It was beautiful. The diamond was small, but still extravagant. It had emeralds on either side, and was decorated with the most beautiful jewel-work I had ever seen.

"Aurora. You mean everything to me. We've done everything together, been through hell together, and came back together. You helped me when no one else would. You loved me when no one else would. You gave me the strength you didn't have when I needed it most. I love every part of you with every part of me. I don't know what I'd do without you, and I want to spend every minute of my life with you. Will you, Aurora Whitethorn, marry me?"

I couldn't stop the tears. I loved all of him with all of me. I couldn't do anything but nod vigourously. He smiled and slipped the ring on my finger, before pulling me into another deep kiss. This one was different. He was full of passion, but carried the gentleness I knew he held inside him. It was, for lack of a less-cheesy term, magical.

"I love you, Draco. Always." I whispered. I felt him smile onto my mouth.

"I love you more."

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