Sleepless Nights ☾ 3-06

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I heard the whizz of the snitch as it flew past my ear. I banked right to keep out of Harry's way as he raced past me. I caught the quaffle, and quickly passed to Stretton. Stretton passed back to Davies, and Davies passed underneath Angelina back to me. I quickly dodged a bludger and did an almost flip on my broom. I passed to Stretton again and he made a goal.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw!" Lee screamed over the mic and I heard cheers erupt from the stands. It was after Christmas, and I had made the decision to stay at Hogwarts with Harry, since my family didn't respond to any owls. This was the first Quidditch game of the term, and our team was winning. I made eye contact with Draco, sitting in the stands. He cheered for our team and I grinned. We had been playing for almost two hours now, and I could see Oliver and Angelina beginning to get sloppy.

We quickly executed a new play, taking advantage of Wood's blindspots as we flew in a figure eight motion toward the hoops. Davies had come up with it when he saw one of Wood's teammates sneak up on him from the side. The two boys twisted above me, passing back the quaffle between them and over the annoyed Gryffindors. As we neared the hoop, I quickly flew up in front of the Gryffindor chasers and knocked the ball into the hoop.

"Whitethorn scores! Another ten points to Ravenclaw!" I saw Wood nod to Davies, and I mentally cheered. We won!

"At the agreement of captains, with 170 points, Ravenclaw wins!" Lee cheered as the stands erupted. I heard the Gryffindor team mumble and groan about their loss. I rose my fists in the air as we neared the ground. Students from the stands started rushing the pitch. I grinned as Davies and Stretton hugged me, and I was lifted into the air to sit on Stretton's shoulders.

"Whitethorn! Whitethorn!" The crowd around me cheered as I pumped my fists. Winning yet another Quidditch match for Ravenclaw. I was carried into the great hall, disrupting the students trying to have a quiet meal. The cheering died down as the team and I sat at our table. The other students happily sat down at their respective tables or left to get to their next classes.

"Game winning goal, Whitethorn. Not bad." I smiled and turned around when I heard the familiar voice. Grey eyes met mine as Draco patted my shoulder.

"Thanks, Malfoy." I grinned. He waved and went to sit down with Crabbe and Goyle.


I frowned as I sat in the Gryffindor common room. Fred and George had let me in, and I was listening to Hermione tell me about Buckbeak.

"So his trial is moved to next week. They're holding a trial. For a Hippogriff!" Hermione was horrified, and my heart dropped at the thought of Buckbeak going through all of these new things. "Lucius Malfoy is making sure they do something. They're going to kill him!" She burst into tears and I put a sympathetic hand on her arm as she cried into her hands.

"Malfoy's a right foul git, Hermione," I glared at Ron for the statement. Malfoy did do bad things sometimes, but he was still one of my best friends. "He gets it from somewhere, Aurora. I'm sure your comments about him being nice when nobody else is around is at least partially true, but how is anyone supposed to know about it if nobody else is around!" I sighed and nodded. I understood, Draco was a very conflicted person. He tried his best to be nice most of the time, but with his friends and father pressuring him so often, he snaps sometimes. I try to tell him not to listen to them, but it always ends with the same thing. 'You don't get it Aurora, my father would disown me if he knew I was friends with a half-blood. Even you.'  That part always hurt, even if I knew he didn't mean it to.


My eyes fluttered open at the sound of scrambling in our dorm. Luna and Cho were trying to wake up Padma, and our prefect had just left the room.

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