Revenge ☾ 7-04

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We looked around the hidden doorframe to Ron, who was standing across the street. He was peeking around the building and gave us a thumbs up before running over. We shut the door quickly and waited for the small group of Ministry employees to come around the corner. They were innocent, but it was necessary. We knocked them unconscious, and Harry and Ron pulled the last one inside to set her down on the floor. Hermione carefully plucked a strand of hair from each of the five heads (except for one) and handed out the small vials of Polyjuice Potion.

"Right. Remember what we said, don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Just try and act normal... do what everybody else is doing." Hermione carefully instructed. "If we do that then with a bit of luck we'll get inside, and then..."

"It gets really tricky." Harry finished.


"This is completely mental." He added.


"The world's mental." Ron shook his head.

"There's no going back now." I smirked, looking at my four friends standing in front of their respective employees. They all took a large swig of the Polyjuice. I looked down to the employee I was supposed to look like and studied her features. She was a young woman that apparently worked in my father's department. I had met her before, and she seemed lovely. I hoped she wouldn't remember what I was about to do. I morphed my face into hers, making sure to remember to put in the interesting eyebrow ring she had pierced into her face. Turning back to the others, we all now stood as copies of Ministry workers.

"Come on. We've got a horcrux to find." Ron gulped as he looked down at the bodies. We quickly undressed each of them and put on their uniforms. Mine was quite nice actually, she had a bit of taste. Hermione's was a bit bland, Ron's was very interesting, and Harry's had a comically large jacket. Draco looked up at me from where he crouched. His Ministry worker had a leather jacket that had burn marks and soot stains in it. Apparently he worked with dragons. His face reminded me a bit like Charlie, but in a different way (minus the Weasley hair). He stood up and shrugged on the jacket.

We stepped out of the doorway and onto the street. Ron led us toward the public bathrooms, where the employee entrance was. Father always used to travel by floo, but this worked too I suppose. The boys went in their side, and Draco gave me a small kiss on the cheek before following Harry. I followed Hermione to the other side, where we lined up behind a few other ladies to walk into the stalls. She looked at me alarmingly, and I leaned over to whisper.

"You stand in the toilet and flush yourself in. We'll come out in the floo fireplaces." I said quietly. She nodded and we walked into our respective stalls. I took a deep breath and pulled the rope. The toilet flushed and I vanished into the Ministry. I stepped out, and watched Harry, Ron, and Draco's heads walking into the Ministry. Hermione walked up beside me and we began to walk.

The Ministry had been completely taken over. There were guards everywhere, and a large statue had taken the place of the golden fountain that had previously stood in the middle of the large hall. The statue was a large block of concrete, which looked to be crushing the bodies of muggles. It had a large Ministry emblem on the side with the words 'Magic is Might'.

Goblins were being lined up for questioning, and identification was being checked every few meters. I handed the nearest guard the ID I had taken from the girl I was impersonating, and he nodded before pushing me along. We walked up and waited by the statue for the boys. Harry's eyes widened as he took in the picture before him.

"Are those..." Draco began to ask, coming up behind me and taking my hand. I nodded.

"Muggles. In their 'rightful place.'" Hermione finished, nodding along. I cringed and shook my head.

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