Transferring Schools ☾ 3-01

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Rain pattered against the window, puddles splashing on the sidewalk as people walked past. On the busy street, blanketed by thick clouds, stood a small set of brownstones. They were all identical, except for one. The outlier had a dark green door, contrasting the other's black ones. In the cozy living room, I sat listening to the flames crackling in the fireplace. Inside, it was small but beautiful. The walls were covered in bookshelves and the antique furniture gave the home a vintage flair. The book in my lap weighed down my legs as I curled up in my favourite chair.

"Aurora, darling? Are you in here?" My mother inquired, peeking into the pleasant room. Her French accent rang through the air. I thought it suited her. Long blond hair draped over her shoulders, and bright blue eyes stood stark against her cream coloured sweater. My mother has always been beautiful, and I only hoped I would grow up to look like her. I had similar features, only my hair was ever-changing, for I was born a metamorphmagus. I had also inherited my father's sharp green eyes and crooked grin.

"What's up Mom?" I responded, looking up from the tome of potion recipes I was studying. "Are we ready to go shopping?" Today was the day we were to go shopping for school supplies in Diagon Alley. I've only ever heard of the magical shops and bustling witches and wizards seeking new things. My parents had told me London was quite different from the south of France, and I never believed them until we moved here.

"Almost, we're waiting for your father to finish writing his letter to the Ministry." My father had recently got a job at the Ministry for Magic. He was the new head for the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Quidditch was like a religion in our household. He was quite famous in his time, coaching for the French Quidditch team at only 27. I was an only child, so my father taught me how to play with him as soon as I could pick up a broom.

"I'm ready, I'm ready." He stated, coming down the stairs from his office. "Let's go, shall we?"


My eyes widened as I took in the massive bank at the end of the street. It almost seemed excessive, especially if all of their vaults were underground.

We walked through the alley slowly, taking everything in as I looked around. My eyes landed on the Quidditch supply store and my father glanced at me with a knowing look in his eye. We both hurried into the store to peer at the new brooms, gloves, quaffles, bats, and other Quidditch materials. We sat for what had to be almost a half hour looking around. My father, taking an interest in his job, spoke to the shopkeeper as I gazed at the different snitches they had in the display case. They chatted about the upcoming Quidditch season, the changes my father would make to his department, and potential partnerships. I ignored their jargon and went to wait outside.

My mother approached me with a bag full of school books and things I would need for the first term. I sat absentmindedly as I thought about the transfer to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When we lived in France, I was attending Beauxbatons School of Magic. I was only in my third year, so it wasn't too drastic of a change, but I still miss the familiarity of our old home.

Mother and I continued to wait outside when we heard whispers from nearby shoppers. Everyone had turned to look down the street at a family of wealthy-looking wizards. Led by a tall, very blond man with his nose turned up at the sight of people other than themselves. His hair draped down his dark, menacing robes. Next to him was a smart-looking witch, her hair both blonde and black. She scanned the street analytically like she was searching for flaws. Lastly, was a skinny boy in all black clothing. He shared his father's hair colour and look of abhorrence. He was actually kind of handsome if you removed the sneer.

Their eyes scanned the Alley as they took in their bystanders. The boy's eyes landed on me and stared holes into my eyes. I suddenly felt self-conscious in my black skirt and maroon coloured sweater. His eyes bore into my skull as they neared us. The tall man glanced at my mother and then my father as he exited the Quidditch shop. He stopped in front of us and frowned.

"Can I help you?" My father asked with a raised eyebrow. We were not poor by any means, and he would not stand to be looked down upon by someone who focused only on status. The man's frown deepened at the remark.

"I take it you are one of the new recruits at the Ministry. I'll warn you to show some respect. I have many connections, even with the Minister himself." The boy smirked at me, eager to see my father's reaction to the obvious threat. I raised one eyebrow at him and he dropped his grin.

"Then you should know the departments are changing daily, sir, and that the Department of Magical Games and Sports has a new head, so-named, Sebastian Whitethorn." My father stuck his hand out in an offer and introduction at the stunned aristocrat.

"Lucius Malfoy, sir. My apologies." I smiled at his son, proud of my father's conversational win. My mother grabbed my hand and my father led us toward the exit without another word. Shocked faces lined the sidewalks as they took in the interaction. I heard the blond boy muttering under his breath as our families walked separate ways.


I pulled out my wand and began to pack my trunk. I smiled at its beauty and power. I had always had such an appreciation for wand-lore and craftsmanship. It was made of ivy wood, with a thestral hair core, and 14 1/2 inches. As my clothes neatly folded and placed themselves in my trunk, I sat down on my bed. Going into Hogwarts as a third-year was already unusual, but I was extremely nervous to be sorted. I wanted to prove myself as a witch, and I wanted to make sure I could do it well.

I sighed and packed my books, I had already been studying ahead in hopes that I wouldn't be behind in any of my classes. My favourite was potions, and I was quite good at it, but I wanted to ensure that my classmates didn't think I was stupid.

Reluctantly, I trudged over to my vanity to look in the mirror. My hair had faded from the normal light purple to a dark blue. The anxiety taking over, I turned away and began to prepare for bed. As a metamorphmagus, my hair can change colour if I have a severe or quick emotion change. It reflects my feelings, which can be both helpful and annoying. I brushed the medium-length locks behind my shoulder and changed into pajamas.

Falling back on my bed, I closed my eyes and fell quickly into the realm of sleep.

Thanks for reading the first chapter! (I skipped years 1 and 2 because I wanted to.) I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Next chapter, Aurora will meet a few more people, get sorted, and have some good times! Or so you might think.....

- Z

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