So It Begins ☾ 7-17

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The students were running every which way inside the castle. Most, down toward the courtyard. Ron, Hermione, Draco and I were following Harry up the stairs when Ron pulled him to a stop.

"Harry!" He began. "Hermione and I have been thinking. It doesn't matter if we can find the horcrux." My brows knitted in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Unless we can destroy it." Hermione finished.

"So, we were thinking-"

"Well, Ron was thinking. It was Ron's idea, it's completely brilliant."

"We were thinking-"

"Just spit it out!" Draco interrupted. 

"You destroyed Tom Riddle's diary with a basilisk fang, right?" Ron asked Harry, who nodded. "Well, me and Hermione think we know where we might find one."

"Okay. Okay, then, take this. That way you can find me when you get back." Harry said, handing over the Marauder's Map. Hermione and Ron grinned at each other before sprinting off in the direction of the first floor bathrooms. I raised an eyebrow as they left, but shrugged it off. If they could find a way to destroy the horcruxes, it didn't matter to me. "Aurora!" I turned to see Harry half-way up the stairs, seemingly waiting for me.

"What is it?" I yelled back.

"I need to get into the Ravenclaw common room. We have to start somewhere." He replied. I nodded, Draco and I running up the stairs after him. We arrived at the door, the knocker making a snide comment about the lack of homework I had completed the past year. Ignoring him and answering the riddle, the door swung open and revealed the empty common room. The curtains were drawn against the windows, the small library dark and lacking the cozy, comfortable feeling I had loved for so many years. The portraits on the wall were unmoving, as the occupants had found better things to be doing than hanging about. 

Harry began searching, tearing apart the bookshelves, to my chagrin. Draco soon joined him. They ripped portraits off the walls, pressing bricks, looking for any possible clues to the location of the horcrux. The diadem. I stood in the centre of the room, wracking my brain for any useless facts I had attained that could help us. The portrait of Helena Ravenclaw stared up at me from where Draco had thrown her to the floor. Wait... That was it!

"Harry!" I called, causing him to stop fiddling with an un-occupied suit of armour in the corner. "Cho was right. No person alive has seen the diadem, but that's just it. It was obvious!" He blinked at me, and I rolled my eyes. "Who's our house ghost?" I asked, waiting for him to get it.

"The Grey Lady?" He answered.

"Helena Ravenclaw?" Draco asked, raising an eyebrow before his eyes widened. "She's dead! She's a ghost!"

"But she never talks to anyone. She's silent, always. Rather angry-looking, to be honest." Harry remarked, frowning.

"She'll talk to any Ravenclaw. She's actually quite helpful." I stated. We all bolted out the door, ignoring another snide remark from the door-knocker.

"Where do we start looking?" Draco asked as we ran.

"She's around the library, usually. Theres a portrait of her there." I answered, jumping off of the last few stairs. We passed the library, but there was no sign of her. Out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly saw her walking down a hallway beside one of the courtyards. "There! She's there." I said, pointing. Harry began to walk, but stopped when he saw I didn't follow.

"Aren't you coming?" He asked. I shook my head, looking between him and Draco.

"She doesn't like hanging around more than one person, usually. She's shy. You'll do better on your own." I replied. He nodded, and walked quickly down to see her. Draco sat down in another archway.

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