Expulsion... Both Dementors and Dumbledore ☾ 5-11

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Draco and I, finally wearing our robes again, were walking through the courtyard toward the Great Hall when I heard Hermione shout behind us. I turned around, only to be pushed aside by the thrum of students walking into the school. I waved Draco on, and he planted a kiss on my cheek before running off doing prefect duties, I'd assume.

"Harry!" Hermione pulled on his sleeve, then looked up at me too. "And Aurora! Come on, Hagrid's back!" It didn't take much to have the small group of us hurtling down the hillside toward Hagrid's hut. I wasn't as close to him as the others of course, but I still thought of him as my friend. We ran toward the door, but halted quickly as the sound of Umbridge's shrill voice came echoing through the door. She opened the door and left, but not before coating the door and herself in that insufferable perfume. We were quickly ushered into Hagrid's, and he sat us down at the table. We asked him where he was for the fourth time, and he finally gave in.

"This is top secret, 'right?" He was still as large as ever, his beard covering the majority of his face and neck as usual. However, Hagrid was sporting a rather gruesome looking wound underneath his left eye. He was holding a piece of raw meat to it as he explained. "Dumbledore sent me to parlay with the giants."

"Giants?!" Hermione cried, leaning forward.

"Shh!" Hagrid gave her an incredulous look.

"You found them?" Hermione asked again, this time quietly.

"Well they're not that hard to find, to be perfectly honest. So big, see? I tried to convince them to join the cause..." He gave us all a look this time. "But I wasn't the only one trying to win them over." Ron looked a bit pale.

"Death Eaters?"

"Yes. Trying to persuade them to join You-Know-Who."

"And... did they?" Harry asked, sweating a bit. We were all looking a bit nervous. This was not good for the DA, or Dumbledore himself.

"I gave 'em Dumbledore's message. S'pose some of 'em remember he was friendly to them. I suppose." Hagrid looked down at Fang, who was now drooling all over the floor, his eyes glued to the meat in Hagrid's hand. I giggled as Hagrid tossed him a glare.

"And they did this to you?" I asked, gesturing to Hagrid's face. I raised an eyebrow as he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.

"Not exactly, no." Fang barked as Hagrid lifted the meat back to his eye. "Ugh, go on. You have it then. Dopey dog." I smiled down at Fang as Hagrid shook his head. Fang began barking as the wind picked up outside. Clouds had completely covered the sun, and Hagrid frowned as he looked out of his window. "It's changing out there.... just like last time. There's a storm coming, Harry. And we all best be ready when she does."


Neville set the newspaper down gently with a very angry look on his face. I looked at him from across the table, a half-eaten piece of toast in my hand. I looked at the headline, and rolled my eyes. I had read that one earlier, and it was more news about the recent mass breakout at Azkaban. Fudge was spinning another web of lies, including blaming Sirius for the breakout. Neville frowned and turned his head as Harry stomped into the Great Hall, followed nervously by Hermione and Ron. They were about to sit down next to us when Seamus caught their attention. My eyes widened as he stood.

"Harry. I uh... I wanted to apologize. Now even me mum says The Prophet's version of things don't add up. So... what I'm really trying to say is that... I believe you." He fiddled with his hands, robes messy as always. I turned to look at Harry to see his reaction, but all he gave was a solemn nod before sitting down with us. Neville stood up, and left the room. Hermione raised an eyebrow, but I shrugged.

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