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He's not here.

I searched around the room, wondering where Leo is. But the room was completely empty.

I felt an unpleasant feeling in my stomach, the one you usually get after waking up from only a few hours of sleep. Last night felt like a dream, it's hard to remember since I was barely awake at the time.

I came to the conclusion that Leo already went to work, so I dismissed the weirdness of his absence, and got ready.

I decided to multitask, to brush my teeth and dress up at the same time, since I'm in a bit of a rush. It's still way before the time I have to be there, but I want to come a bit earlier today so I can get hair and makeup over with.

I didn't feel like having breakfast, so I took my bag and went to my car.


"You look tired" Jolie observed as she put some lipstick on me "there's bags under your eyes, they're hard to cover"

"I didn't get that much sleep"

"You didn't have to come so early, you could've just gotten more rest and came at the normal time"

"I wouldn't of been able to fall back asleep" I shrugged, looking straight into the mirror in front of me. Wow, I do look tired.

"just don't act all sleepy, Jim would be upset"

"I won't" I reassured her.

"Okay, your free to go" she smiled, starting to clean up the table from all the makeup.

"Thank you" I walked out the trailer with a coat wrapped around me, right over my dinner dress. We're supposed to film the dinner scene, which benefits me because I don't have so much to do. Just gotta sit there and act pretty.

I got some coffee where they served breakfast, then headed towards the entrance into the remake of the "Titanic". I shuffled through my bag, trying to find the map of the ship we got when we first came here. I've studied it millions of times, trying to memorize it, but it was way too complex to do so.

I navigated my way to the first class dinning area, trying my best to not bump into the workers or filming equipment. The hallways were narrow, making it hard to squeeze through.

I passed by the clock, trying my best to not slip on my dress as I go down the stairs. My hands traced the wooden baluster as I rushed down all the stairs. After a while, I was finally able to get to the room, which was pretty empty.

Jim and Leo were talking, both sitting on chairs as they flipped through the script and reviewed it. Leo kept rocking his chair back and forth, almost falling multiple times. Other people were setting up the cameras to point at specific angles.

"Aviana, great, you're here!" Brian, the assistant director, approached me.

"Good morning" I answered.

"Good morning! Since you and Leonardo are already here, we're thinking of practicing the first few scenes. Once everyones else comes to set, we'll practice the scenes here" he pointed to the empty table in front of us.

"Okay, where should I put my coat?" I asked him, already starting to take it off.

He took it from me "I'll keep it somewhere for you, just go back up to where the clock is"

I sighed as he left, not wanting to go back up the mountain of stairs. Before I could start heading there, Jim stopped me, Leo right next to him.

"Avi, wait up" he called for me as they walked closer "did Brian tell you what we're doing?"

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now