-When you're lying

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"What are you reading?" I nudged Leo's arm softly and looked down at the book in his hands.

"I don't know, just some book that I brought with me from L.A." Leo shrugged, still keeping his eyes on the book.

"What's it about?"

"I've only read the first three pages so I have no idea" he chuckled.

"Oh," I then looked up at the crowd in front of us. It's been already an hour of waiting for Gianna's flight to land. It was delayed a bit before take-off. So now here I and Leo are, sitting down on the uncomfortable airport seats and waiting.

Leo was in full disguise, he wore a dark blue hat that covered most of his face. He also had dark glasses on and some baggy clothes (sweatpants and a hoodie). I had a hat on just in case, because if someone recognizes me then they'll recognize Leo.

Something important about me is that I'm an overthinker, which is why for the past 12 hours I've been thinking nonstop about what happened with Leo last night. I couldn't stop thinking if maybe I did something wrong...or what's supposed to happen next? Does he ask me out? Do I ask? Or do we just forget about it? Those questions have been gnawing at my brain for so long that I'm starting to go crazy.

Leo, still keeping his attention on the book, shuffled through his seat and leaned back on my shoulder. He bent his legs up and kept reading. "It's been so long" he complained, "when's she coming?"

"I have no idea" I sighed and looked down at my watch.

"Wanna eat something? I haven't eaten anything today yet" Leo asked.

"Yeah sure," I got up and waited for Leo to bookmark his page.

We walked around the aisle, trying to find something that wasn't junk food. Eventually, we found a "restaurant" that was kinda just a buffet. We picked out our food and sat at the end of the restaurant, where there was a huge window with views of the planes.

I watched as one plane was about to lift off, I'm not very interested in planes but this was cool to watch. From the corner of my eye, I could see Leo staring right at me. Trying not to smile, I kept eating my pasta.

I could still sense Leo staring at me, so I looked up and said with a mouth full of pasta "stop staring at me"

Leo started to laugh because of how ridiculous I looked with a bunch of pasta in my mouth, kinda making me look like a chipmunk. I rolled my eyes at him and kept eating. It surprised me how comfortable I was looking like an idiot as I ate in front of Leo, I wouldn't even eat like this in front of my family.

I started to see two girls walking up to Leo from behind him. One was pushing the other up to him, as both of them squealed "hi!" One of them said.

They were both now right in front of us and close to Leo.

"Can we please get an autograph?" the other one said as she pulled out a paper and pen from her bag.

"Sure" Leo smiled and signed the paper.

The girls thanked him and walked back to their seats, but when they did I noticed they started taking pictures. But not just of Leo, they were taking pictures of both of us. I shrugged it off, realizing it's probably nothing.

"That was weird" I admitted.


"Those girls, asking for an autograph"

"How's that weird" he chuckled

"You just don't seem like a celebrity...to me at least" I took a sip of my water.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now