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"And here's your room key" the man slid the key down the counter "the room number is engraved into it" he pointed at the key.

"Thank you" I took it and headed towards the elevators.

I was about to walk into the elevator, but someone behind me started yelling, "WAIT!"

I looked back and saw Leo running towards me as he pulled his suitcase. He slowed down once he got to me, trying to catch his breath.

"Why are you in such a rush?" I furrowed my brows at him as we entered the elevator.

He started pointing his finger, as if he's trying to tell a story with his hands because his mouth was too busy taking heavy breaths.

"Okay buddy" I patted him on the back lightly as he gave up explaining.

We got out of the elevator. Both of our rooms were on the left side, so we ended up walking together.

"Avi?" Leo asked me as I arrived at my door, his just a few rooms away.

"Yes?" I turned to him, my back against the door.

He stared at me for a moment, not knowing what to say "uh...are you- are you okay?"

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head slightly.

"With what happened last night, the paparazzi" he reminded me.

"Oh yes, I'm much better" I nodded "are you?"

"Yeah" he answered simply, an awkward silence came.

Leo looks tired. But I understand, an eleven hour flight from LA to Tokyo isn't exactly easy. I also look like a mess, my hair is all knotted, I've got dark bags under my eyes and my clothes look a little too comfortable.

"Why'd you leave? Did I do something wrong?" Leo blurted out.


"After- after I kissed you, you wanted to leave" he kept playing around with his fingers nervously.

I took a deep breath "wanna come in? To talk?"

Leo nodded.

I unlocked the door and let him come in.

He sat down on the bed as I placed my suitcase right next to him. I zipped it open as I started talking.

"The reason-"

"What's this?" Leo interrupted me, pointing at a magazine in my suitcase. Without hesitation, he took it and stared down at the cover, which was a picture of the two of us.

"I found it at some grocery store, I haven't read it yet" I explained.

"Good, you shouldn't read this stuff, they always talk shit and then they start getting into your head" he flipped to the page where it talked about us.

"But...you're reading it right now" I raised my brows as I looked down at him.

"Shut up" he mumbled, his full attention on the magazine.

Leo started reading out loud "Leonardo DiCaprio and Aviana Hale, two people you've probably heard of by now. The two are co-stars in James Cameron's new movie, Titanic. They play Jack and Rose, lovers who are aboard the doomed ship. You might be asking yourself, what's their relationship like off screen? Many rumors have gone around talking about how they might be a couple. They've been spotted multiple times together. Although we'd want all this to be true, an anonymous insider tells us other wise. We've gotten multiple pictures from the anonymous person, along with an explanation. The truth about Aviana and Leonardo. In these pictures, none of them look happy. In one, you can see the two of them in a car. Aviana is crying as Leonardo has an annoyed look on his face, bruises can be seen scattered all across the side of her neck. In another photo, the two are walking out of a police station. Both looking very un happy and more bruises are on Aviana's wrist. Is this the real Aviana and Leonardo?"

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now