-My promise to you

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"Me from half a year ago would've killed herself if she found out I was doing this" I laughed, taking in as much of the view as I could.

"Why is that?" Leo asked.

"It's very corny, that's all. Boyfriend and girlfriend, Paris, Eiffel Tower"

"Oh, I'm sorry your highness, would you like to go dumpster diving instead?"

"As much as I'd love to see you in the garbage, no thank you" I smiled softly at him, then turned my face back to what was underneath us.

Although I've never seen it in the daytime, I made up my mind that it was the best during the night. Every light from the buildings made it feel as if I were above the stars, even if that wasn't the case, it was still beautiful.

"Avi, I'm gonna ask something and I'd prefer you be completely honest. Once you answer, we don't have to talk about it again, if that's what you want"

"Alright, what is it?"

"Were you gonna do it?"

He didn't have to add any more information, I understood exactly what he meant.

My tongue slid across my bottom lip and I thought of an answer I could give him. I didn't feel like saying yes or no, they're such vast and inexplicit replies.

After taking too much time to think, Leo decided to speak up "let's put it this way if you could jump off of here, would you?"

"Hell yes" that was my honest answer but after seeing the scared look in his eye, I realized I'd have to elaborate "well okay I understand that sounds a bit suicidal-"

"A bit?!"

"Leo, calm down, I just think it would be a cool way to die. Imagine going all the way down, it would be a whole minute of endlessness and peace. You know what's coming but you've already accepted it, so now all that's left is to enjoy the wind going through your hair. Plus, you get this view. Quite poetic"

"I don't see it as poetic, just scary" Leo shrugged.

"So if not jumping off the Eiffel Tower, how do you want to die?" It was most likely the strangest question anyone has asked him.

"While sleeping seems like a pleasant way to go"

I nodded, considering it "I suppose that wouldn't be too bad but I've always liked the idea of a dramatic and movie-like death. Leave with a bang"

"Like jumping off the Eiffel Tower"


"I thought this conversation could put me at ease, it did not" he chuckled like it was a joke, it wasn't, he was only trying to make it less serious than it is.

"I won't do anything, that's my promise to you" I was ready to keep my word, I truly meant what I said.

"Gotta pinky promise or it's not true" his brows raised as he lifted his pinky.

"Yes, of course" I locked my finger with his "Leo, I officially promise that I will not harm myself in any way whatsoever"

"Good, now you have to kiss me"

"Since when was that a rule?"

"Since now, just go with it" he put his lips against mine.

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