-Humiliated and embarrassed

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Everyone's eyes were on me, and only me. The girl who managed to trip over absolutely nothing.

My cheek was bound to bruise and the palm of my hand was already scratched. Embarrassment flushed over like a wave desperate to drown me.

Humiliated and embarrassed, I got up immediately and stuffed my hands into my pocket. I never wanted to escape an area so fast, to forget all those looks I've been given. I regretted going out for a walk, I knew it was a stupid idea from the start, and now I paid for it.

My breathing quickened, I was certain all the people who saw me fall watched as I rushed away.

Luckily, I arrived at my apartment building only minutes after.

I acknowledged the metal bucket next to the stairs...water from the ceiling dropped down into it. This place wasn't exactly top tier but I still gladly called it home.

"Shit" I cursed the doorknob, it was a pain and I could never seem to get the key in...ever. So I nudged the door a bit, that seemed to do the trick.

I threw my keys, hoodie, and hair tie on the couch. The place where I love to throw random stuff on instead of putting them in the correct places.

I headed to my kitchen only wearing a bra and sweatpants, then decided to make a stop at the mirror.

I frowned at myself, not content with what I saw in the reflection. My body was nowhere near perfect, according to today's standards. Not that it mattered, I never go out, and if I do I usually wear things that make it impossible to see my body shape.

After my little glance at the mirror, I decided to take an apple from my kitchen. Probably the time I start eating healthy...well, that's what I always told myself. But that diet only lasted a day, then I always went back to shitty junk food.

My mind went through a list of things I could do today. All I managed to think of was reading, take a nap, or kill myself. Any of them seemed nice.

I picked to take a nap since I've already read all the books in this apartment and I was simply too lazy to kill myself today.

I was interrupted by the phone ringing. It was either Dan or Gianna. Gianna would start blabbing about a guy she fucked last night, which is what ninety percent of our calls consist of. And Dan would say he found me an opportunity to act in another crappy commercial.

Turns out it was Dan.

Dan: hello Avi, how are you doing on this exciting day?

Me: hey...why are you acting so cheery? It's freaking me out.

Dan: I can be happy, Avi. Especially today. Because guess what?

Me: what?

Dan: I got you an audition for a pretty big upcoming movie.

Me: you're fucking with me, right? Like this is a joke, right?

Dan: do you take me as a guy who jokes?

Me: I still don't believe you.

Dan: just check your email.

He hung up.

I sighed and dropped the flip phone into the couch with all the other things.

My mouth hummed a song as I sat down at my desk and pressed that chunky keyboard. I hunted down his email, a bit intrigued.

I've never been in a movie, but I was sure Dan was over exaggerating when he said it was pretty big. He said the same thing about a commercial for cereal...acted as it'll finally be my big break.

My eyes only stuck on the word Titanic in his email. Titanic? A movie about Titanic?

I could only think of how it was so idiotic...everyone already knows how it ends. So what's the point?

I sighed "All right then"

I answered Dan back and told him I'll go to the audition. I had nothing better to do anyway.

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