-A nightmare

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"Would you like a drink?" A waiter walked up to me with glasses on a tray.

"No, thank you" I shook my head, then kept walking around the place.

The house was packed with people. Everyone was enjoying their little conversations as I stood here like a lone wolf. I hate these types of situations, the one when you're at a party and barely know anyone so you just stand there awkwardly, wishing you could go home.

"Avi!" Jim, from across the room, waved to me, then headed towards me "you made it"

"Yeah" I nodded "congratulations by the way, with the whole movie coming out"

"Congratulations to you too" he chuckled a bit "I don't think everyones here yet, I can't seem to find anyone from the main cast. Have you?"


"Ah okay...you got your bags packed for Tokyo tomorrow?" He asked.

I nodded "yup, I'm very prepared"

"Good, I'm gonna get a drink. You want anything?"

I shook my head "I'm good"

I was alone again, and since I had nothing better to do, I decided I'll just explore the mansion.

I never really thought of how Leos house would look like, but definitely not like this. It was huge. It was located in a very secretive place in LA, it took me a while to find it when going through the neighborhood. Tons of forestry trees surrounded the house, making it barely visible, it was very un-LA like.

The walls were flushed with white as light brown furniture filled the rooms. It has a nice aesthetic to it, surprisingly, I didn't know Leo had good taste in these sorta things.

I think I might of went a bit too far, because I'm now in a completely empty hallway. And I'm lost. I figured that I might as well keep going forward since maybe one of the doors lead back to the main rooms.

I took a quick peek into each one to see if they're gonna lead me back, but there was one room I couldn't stop staring into. Mostly because it was so disorganized.

It looked like an office, there was mostly just a brown desk facing the window, a few shelves with books, and a couch. What bothered me the most was all the piles of paper on the desk, and even some on the floor.

I went in and picked up the papers to put them back on the desk. I was about to leave, but spotted a picture.

I don't usually snoop around, but I let my boredom get the best of me. I picked up the picture in a frame and looked down at it. It looked like a picture of Leo when he was young and right next to him, I'm guessing, is his mom.

It was a cute picture, I just don't know why he'd have it here, this room looks pretty abandoned.

"Avi?" Leo opened the door, completely catching me off guard

"Leo!" I laughed nervously, putting the picture back down on the desk.

"What are you doing here?"

"Funny you ask that I uhh..." I tried to think of some type of excuse "I got lost"

"Oh well I can help you get back to the main room" Leo suggested "unless...you wanna stay here?" He looked confused as his finger pointed around the room.

"I don't want to stay here, I mean, it's a beautiful room. Uh, except for all the mess- I mean. I'm just gonna shut up now" I took a deep breath, not understanding why I'm just so awkward all of a sudden. I rushed out the door but he stopped me.

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