-Wanna race

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"Never mind, I'm happy I'm not an actress" Gianna munched on her bagel.

"It's fun, you just have to be ready real early in the morning"

I was already ready for work, but Gianna was still wearing her sleeping wear, she was clearly not enjoying this at all.

I even woke her up a bit earlier than usual so we could get coffee and breakfast, traditionally, we'd just get breakfast in the hotel.



"I need a favor"

"What is it?"

"So there's this guy..."

Finally. She's finally gonna tell me about the mystery guy. It's been bugging me ever since I found out about him yesterday.

"And I'm kinda going on a date with him" she kept talking.

My eyes widened "a date?! Like an actual date? You're not just sleeping with him?"

"No! Avi, I don't always just sleep with guys"

"Mmhmm" I raised my eyebrows, making it clear that I don't believe her one bit.

"Avi just listen! So I didn't technically say yes yet, but I will in a few hours. And I was just thinking...could you maybe come?"

"You want me to come?"

She nodded "I was kind of hoping you could also bring Leo"

I started to choke on my sandwich "what?!"

"I'm sorry! It's just...you both are actors. Just act! I'll pay you guys...pretend it's a job or something! I already told the guy you where dating someone..."

"Why'd you tell him that?!?! Why can't you just go alone?" I tried my best to get out of this.

"Ah come on Avi" she whined "it's been a while since I've been on an actual date, I need you!"

"I'm sure you'll be fine on your own"

"No! Avi, please" she kept repeating the word please over and over again, eventually giving me a headache.

"Fine!" I gave in "I'll ask Leo..."

"Thank you!! I love you so much" she squeezed me tightly.

"How much money are we getting?" I asked firmly.

She thought for a second, "twenty"

"No, forty" I argued.


"Thirty five"

"Ugh...okay" she shook my hand to close the deal.


"I have an offer for you" I told Leo, completely breathless because of how I'm dancing this very second.

"I'm listening" he spun around as the camera focused on his feet.

"It includes money and acting"

"Now I'm very interested" he chuckled weakly, staring down at his feet to make sure he's doing the correct steps.

"Gianna's going on a date and she wants me to come, but I need to bring someone with me too so it's a double date or whatever"

"So I'm assuming I'm the one you wanna bring?"

"Yup. You gotta act like my boyfriend because Gianna lied to the guy and said I'm dating someone"

"Sounds easy enough"

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