-This isn't over

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"Wow! I still cannot believe that the Leonardo DiCaprio is right in front of me!" Ethan chuckled in disbelief, his hands out in front of him.

I shivered, still completely wet. I tried my best to get warmth from the fire but it didn't help much. Although, Leo kept his arms around me in a sorta protective way, which helped me get a bit warmer. Even though Gianna was sitting right in between me and Ethan around the fire, I guess Leo still had the need to keep me as far away from Ethan as possible since he's been bringing me closer to him every five seconds.

Instead of answering to Ethans comment, Leo stared daggers at him, his jaw clenching as he did.

"Me and my friends went to see The Basketball Diaries, it was great, we loved it" Ethan ate the chips that he brought as he spoke.

"Yeah, I loved it too" Gianna added, starting to get food out of her bag "I invited Avi to come see it with me but she insisted on not going" she raised her eye brows at me.

Leo stayed silent, his fingers traced the top of my arm in a up and down motion. Sadly, I couldn't feel his touch on my skin because of the towel wrapped around me. Since my sweater was still soaked, I used the towel to cover the top of my body...for multiple reasons.

"Oh!" Ethan remembered something "Gianna, I actually have a small gift for you" he gave me an evil looking glance as he searched through his pocket. "It's kinda simple" he chuckled nervously, taking out a small ring.

I furrowed my brows as I studied the band, it looked so familiar.

"It's so pretty!" Gianna smiled down at the ring "thank you"

"Wait" I leaned towards Gianna, making Leo lose his grip on me "let me see"

Me and Leo both stared down at the ring, recognizing it immediately because of the small words engraved inside of it.

"Oh my god" I whispered so only Leo could hear.

I looked up at Leo, who already had his eyes on Ethan.

"Tell me Ethan, where'd you get it?" His voice filled with anger, but I could tell he was trying to stay as calm as possible.

"The ring? Just some store" Ethan shrugged as he started to take out an alcoholic drink to pour in into the big plastic red cups.

I was too consumed with shock to notice Gianna carefully take back the ring, and slip it onto her finger. I'd thought that Ethan would've thrown it away the second he slipped it off my finger in the grocery store.

"Who wants some drinks?" Ethan asked, changing the subject.

"Ooo me!!!" Gianna clapped.

Ethan handed her a drink after pouring little into it since it was apparently very strong. He didn't bother asking Leo if he wants one, instead he just gave it to him anyways.

"Avi?" He offered, holding up the drink in front of me.

"I don't want any at the moment" I answered firmly "maybe later" I added, realizing that maybe I should take some to help me get through tonight.

"You sure?" He kept moving the cup a bit closer to me.

"She said no" Leo interjected in annoyance.

"Just making sure" Ethan sighed bringing the drink back down.

"If she said no the first time, she'll probably say no the second time" Leo kept going "but I find it hard to believe that you rarely take no for an answer"

"Leo" I tugged at his arm, signaling for him to stop.

"Wait, what?" Gianna ate her chips as if she were watching a reality show "whats going on" she looked at all three of us back and forth in confusion.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now