-I'm the best

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"Wow, you look bad with red hair," Leo tried to control his laughter.

I gave him a deadly stare, "shut up. Right now."

He spun in the chair in my trailer, I wasn't sure why he visited me. I didn't like it.

We were already in our costumes. Well, I only wore this long black and see-through robe, I wore clothes underneath, but once we got to set I'd have to take it off. Not so shortly after, I'd have to take off the robe too.

"Wanna flash me right now so we can get it over with?" He suggested while throwing a ball, that he found, from one hand to the other.

"No," I muttered, "but I'm sure you'd love it if I did"

"Oh yes definitely."

I rolled my eyes at him, then continued to look down at my magazine.

My eyes barely stayed open. Last night wasn't exactly a fun one. I spent a lot of time shaving and stressing about the scene. I was on the verge of a mental breakdown, was also close to begging Jim to film another scene.

The first day on set and I already had to go nude...what's worse is that it was in front of Leo. Leo, the guy who pisses me off twenty-four seven.


My foot tapped and I played with my fingers.

I stared at the entrance in worry. The crew, Jim, and Leo all were there and preparing for the scene. And I stood here, drowning in my anxiety.

"You'll have to take off the clothes underneath your robe now," one crew member popped out from the entrance.

"Oh, okay," I took deep breaths as I did what she said.

If there was any way I could escape this, I'd do it. I never wanted to not do something in my whole boring life.

"Avi, everything okay back there?" I heard Jim yell.

"Yes," I lied. My mouth is a liar, but my trembling hands are not, my sweaty face is not.

I shook my arms, attempted to release any unnecessary worries. It was just acting, it won't be the end of the world.

Gianna said that a lot, it won't be the end of the world. She said it whenever my anxiety got worse, and when she did, I'd always think that the little phrase never helps. Yet at that very moment, I continued to repeat it in my head.

When the word, action, escaped Jim's lips, I walked through the entrance.

"The last thing I need, is another picture of me looking like a porcelain doll" I took out a dime "as a paying customer, I expect to get what I want," I dropped it into Leo's hand.

I untied the robe, letting it fall to the floor. Leo's facial expressions were perfect. I searched him, trying to see if he's just a really good actor or if he's actually in utter shock.

I stood there, completely nude. Waiting for Leo to say his next line but when Leo said it he messed up and stuttered.

"J-just on the bed- I mean couch," He quickly pointed to it.

I tried to look confident during this scene, but on the inside, I was freaking the fuck out.

The actual drawing would be done by Jim later on but for now, the prop director gave Leo a sketchbook and told him to draw whatever he wants during the scene. So while we acted, Leo was drawing god knows what.

I got comfortable on the couch and pretended that I wasn't completely naked.

Soon enough, I was at ease. The stress left and I felt calm. It was nice.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now