-Be careful

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I quickly looked through the cover of every DVD, in hopes to see Leo's face on one. He told me the names of the movies he's in but I already forgot most of them. So I relied on the covers of the DVDs to find something.

I don't think we'd have much of a chance of finding one though. Most of the movies in this place weren't in English. Leo was only a few feet away from me, he searched through another shelf with DVDs.

"Ugh we'll never find anything" I cried in annoyance.

"Just keep looking" Leo was concentrated on the few DVDs in his hand.

It's already been about 30 minutes and we've gone through the whole store twice. My arms started to get tired from all the searching so I sat down on the chair next to me. Leo turned around, looked at me, and frowned.

"What are you doing?" He asked a bit disappointed.

"Leo, you're crazy if you think we'll find something here."

"Okay fine, I'm crazy. Now let's keep looking" he turned back to the DVD's but when he realized I didn't even move he looked back at me. "Please" he gave a pleading look.

"Ugh okay," I groaned and got up "why don't we just ask the person who works here if they have anything with you in it?"

"There are thousands of DVDs here I don't think they'd know" Leo looked down at the new stack of DVDs in his hands.

"Well, ima go ask" I turned around and went over to a woman who works here.

"May I help you?" She had a thick Spanish accent and I couldn't understand her that well but I tried my best. She was a bit shorter than me and pretty old.

"Uh- yes actually. I'm trying to find any movie with Leonardo DiCaprio."

"Oh I'm not sure, there are so many things here I can barely keep track." I then turned over to Leo and he gave me a "told you so" look. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the lady.

"Is there a chance that if I give you a name of a movie you can find it?" I asked politely

"Maybe, what movie?"

"Umm," I tried to recall some of the movie names Leo told me "Either Romeo+Juliet or the Basketball diaries". As the woman thought for a second I just stood there awkwardly.

"I think we might have Romeo+Juliet. Wait one second let me go look." The woman then left and I walked over to Leo.

"She said she might have Romeo+Juliet"

"Okay," he answered simply.

After a few minutes of waiting the woman came back with a DVD in her hand. As she passed it over to me she looked up at Leo and then down at the DVD's cover. She furrowed her brows and searched Leo's face.

"Thank you" I broke the awkward tension. She then looked back at me, nodded, and walked away.

The cover was quite interesting. There were a bunch of people on each side, pointing guns at the other side. This is kinda weird because guns weren't a thing back then...in the middle was Leo and his arms were wrapped around this girl. Who I'm guessing is Juliet, and the both of them were kissing.

We walked out of the store and started to walk over to where we parked the car.


"I have to warn you, it might be a bit confusing. No one talks how we talk today. Everyone speaks Early Modern English. So it might take a while to understand" Leo hopped on the bed next to me after he put in the DVD.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now