-The next life

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I watched as Ethan walked away from Gianna, a hurt look on her face. She rushed towards the seats and aggressively sat next to me.

"Dickhead" she mumbled as she dropped her hoodie onto her suitcase.

"What?" I asked, still confused from what just happened.

Everything was going fine, until Ethan called Gianna saying he wants to talk with her before she gets on the plane back to LA. It's been a week since I've told her about the whole Ethan thing, we haven't talked much since...in fact, this is the closest we've been since that night. I've given up trying to tell her I'm not lying, it a waste of time. She's too "in love" with him, she never said it, but I could tell.

If you think about it, if it's been a week since I've told Gianna, that means it's been about six days since me and Leo went our separate ways. Feels like it's been months....many, many months.

Only time I ever talk to him is if we're acting, other than that, we stay away from each other. I've started to accept the whole situation, started to understand how it's actually a good decision. A hard one, but good.

We've never been really kind to each other, we hurt one another...maybe it's not the worst thing in the world to be doing this.

"He basically just broke up with me" she sank into the crappy airport chair in anger "we decided we'd do a long distance relationship, but now he changed his mind"

Relief rushed through my body, nothing brought me more joy than what Gianna just said. Although, I couldn't help but think how it's kind of suspicious. If Ethan broke up with Gianna, he's obviously done playing around with me. He just decided to stop so suddenly...

"I'm gonna throw the fucking ring into the trash" she was about to slip it off her finger but I stopped her.


She paused, shocked "why??"

"Uh- could I maybe...could I have it?" I stuttered "it's kinda pretty, maybe I can do something with it"

"Its not pretty at all...but okay, I don't care for it so you can take it" Gianna handed me the ring.

She kept going on and on, constantly ranting about Ethan as if he were Satan.

I blocked her out of my mind, mostly because I've had the same thoughts as hers and rather not listen to them for the millionth time, but also because talk of Ethan made me sick to my stomach.

I studied the ring, happy that it's in my hands again. Although me and Leo are in a rough spot...permanently. I'd still gladly have this ring with me. It reminds me of Leo, everything that's happened with us, so losing it would be heartbreaking. I already did, so I'm more than happy that I got it back.

I'm still surprised Gianna didn't notice the engraved words on the inside, maybe she did but just didn't say anything. Besides, she doesn't even know what it means.

A woman's voice echoed through out the airport, saying that Gianna's flight will depart soon. I helped Gianna get her suitcases as we headed towards the gate.

"Avi, I'm sorry" she turned to me as we got to where the security is "I should've believed you...to be honest, it's still hard to do so. But you're my best friend, I shouldn't of reacted like that. Maybe in three months when you get back to LA we can talk about it?"

"I'd like that" I smiled softly, and hugged her "have a safe flight!"

I watched as she walked away.


"Ah, so water girl decided to switch to apply juice"

I looked to my right. Leo.

"I told you not to call me that" I said plainly, then moved my view to the ocean in front of me.

"I don't care, I'm still gonna call you that" he sat down on the sand next to me.

We were quiet as I drank my apple juice and Leo smoked a cigar, just the sound of waves crashing surrounded us.

I wonder why he's here, isn't he the one that wanted to stay away from me?

"Cant stop thinking about the night at the viper room" he said randomly "quite an interesting night, for me at least. You were the first girl who was kind of a bitch toward me" he chuckled a bit.

"I didn't know who you were" I mumbled, my chin rested on my knees.

"During the cast meeting you knew who I was. And you treated me the same"

"Sorry I don't fangirl over you, your highness" I rolled my eyes. Leo laughed, not the reaction I was expecting...

I miss his little giggles, I haven't heard them in a while. That realization hit me like a bullet. Next thing I know, tears flooded my eyes. I brought my head down as my arms covered my face, not wanting Leo to see that I'm crying.

I don't think I ever let the whole thing sink in...I won't get to hear his laugh anymore, get to joke around with him, watch him fall down 24/7, get to do the ridiculous races he always starts, or even get to watch him do all the weird karate kicks he does.

All the stupid things that seemed so little at the time...but now feel so meaningful.

"Avi?" He noticed "are you okay?"

"No, Leo! Of course I'm not okay! Why would you do this, why?!?" I stared at him for only a moment, then looked back at the ocean. "I feel horrible...all of this, just hurts"

I've realized that I've been hiding all the pain, and saying that all this is a good thing isn't going to help me.

"We both know, this is what has to happen. We just..."

"Aren't good for each other?" I sniffled.

"Yes, Exactly. Avi...you need to be with someone better. Find a guy who will make you happy. Okay?" He stroked his finger through my hair

"You make me happy" I whimpered.

"Please, promise me you'll find someone else, better and good for you" he kept going, it was obvious his mind was made up "I'll see you in the next life, Avi"

He lifted himself up and walked back to the hotel, which was right behind us.

See you in the next life. I never liked the expression. It always makes me feel depressed because of how it's only used in sad situations. Has a sickening feel to it.

I don't want to see Leo in the next life, I wanna see him in this one.

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