-Its beautiful, thank you

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I put the cigarette to my lips and inhaled slowly as I looked over at the rising sun. It was pretty early, about five am. I didn't have to come to set at this time but I woke up at four thirty so I don't really know what else to do. It was weird that I woke up at that time, and I didn't really like that I did.

I'm not much of a morning person.

I wrapped my coat tighter around my body as I watched a few crew people set things up. Far away I could see Jim and Billy talking. For a second I considered going to talk with them but I was too tired for any sort of human interaction.

As I walked over to the place where they started setting up breakfast, my fingers began to feel a bit numb from the cold.

"Hey. Is there any chance I can get an early breakfast?" I shivered and put my jacket over my lips.

"Yeah of course! Just pick out whatever you like" the woman on the other side of the table answered.

I gave her a warm smile and picked out a paper plate. I got pancakes with the side of hash browns and a hot chocolate, I wasn't in the mood for coffee, even though I could use it.

I ate slowly, taking my time, and occasionally looking at my watch. Not because I have to be somewhere anytime soon, I was bored and have nothing better to do.

"Hello there" Billy sat down across the table from me.

"Hey, what are you doing up so early?"

"What are you doing up so early?" He emphasized on the word you.

I shrugged "just woke up at four thirty so I decided to come here. I don't have anything better to do in that hotel room"

"Cool. You got any plans after filming?"

"Yeah I'm gonna go to the beach with this guy and then we'll hang out at his house" I took a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Weren't you with some guy just a few days ago? Is he your boyfriend or something?"

"I'm not sure...this is our second date. He's really sweet. You two should meet, I think you could be great friends" I smiled.

"Yeah, maybe bring him here sometime and we can all meet him. And we all must approve of him" Billy said in a serious/firm tone but I could tell he was joking around.

I rolled my eyes playfully and gulped down a piece of my pancake.

At that moment I felt someone grab onto me. I glanced back and saw Leo, his cheeks and nose were all pink from the cold weather.

"Come on!" Leo whispered while he yanked my arm lightly.

"What?" I spoke with confusion.

I faced Billy who then told me, "it's okay, go, I'll be with the others"

Giving in, I stood up and let Leo pull me.

More people started arriving to the set so it was pretty crowded. We squeezed through the people, trying not to bump into anyone holding something heavy or a camera.

We eventually got to a small place in between two trailers where no one was. Only the noises of our sharp and cold breaths surrounding the area.

"Close you're eyes" Leo sounded really excited and was basically jumping up and down.

"What? Why?" I questioned.

Losing his patience, Leo put his hand on my eyes.

"Give me your hand" at that moment I realized how raspy his voice sounded.

He took my hand and placed something small in it. It was really cold and a bit heavy. I moved it to my fingers, rubbing my thumb on it.

Leo took his hand off my eyes and I observed the small ring in my hand.

It was simple, just a small band, nothing else. Except, when I looked closer I saw that the words you jump I jump were engraved in it.

"How'd you get this?!" I looked up at Leo, smiling.

"Last night at the market. Some guy was writing stuff on rings" Leo explained, even more cheerful than he was before.

"That's so corny, Leo" laughter escaped my freezing lips.

Leo then dramatically gasped "how dare you!"

He carefully slipped the ring onto my finger.

"It's beautiful, thank you" I whispered.

He smiled softly and looked down at my lips. Not really thinking, I placed my hands on his freezing cheeks, cupping his face.

"You're like an icicle" I chuckled softly.

Without answering, he put his hands on my waist and pulled me in closer, letting our lips touch.

We've already kissed before but this was...different. No camera man, no director, no script, and no acting. We aren't Jack and Rose at the moment, we're Leo and Avi.

I enjoyed the first few seconds but then guilt flushed over me. I know Ethan isn't technically my boyfriend, but this still felt wrong. I'm supposed to see him late today, and here I am, kissing Leo.

I broke off the kiss in panic "oh god. I'm so sorry" I whispered.

Leo's heart sank "what?"

"No!" I insisted "it's only that-"

"Ethan?" Leo said quietly and I responded with a slow nod.

I started to bite my nail and looked down at the floor, not being able to make eye contact with him.

"It's okay, I get it" he cleared his throat.

"This is all just so fast" I blurted out.

"Yeah. I mean, we're coworkers, coworkers don't do that" Leo agreed but I could tell he didn't mean it.

I looked down at the ring and spun it around my finger.

"I'm so sorry" I spoke meekly.

"No need to be sorry" Leo's tone began to sound coarse and annoyed. He left with those words, and now the area was only filled with my sharp and cold breath.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now