-Everyone knows him

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I shivered as the icy water from the sink hit my hands. I cleaned them quickly, not wanting to be under it much longer.

I took one of the fancy paper towels that the restaurant had here, dried my hands, then threw it away.

I yawned. Gianna's been calling me the whole time last night, making me want to throw my phone out the window.

She felt bad for everything and wanted to apologize, but I didn't wanna have a conversation with her any time soon.

I opened the door. But when I got out, I immediately crashed into someone.

"Shit!" I gasped "I'm so sorry-" I stopped talking the second I realized who it is.

"Aviana? Is that you?" He asked, surprised by me too.

"Adrian?" I squinted, trying to see if it's him or if I'm imagining it.

"Yeah, that's me" he chuckled "how've you been? The last time I've seen you was so long ago"

Rage built up inside of me.

If you were to ask me to make a list of people I hate most, Adrian would be number one. Ethan, number two.

Adrian's the reason why I have people, mostly men, problems. He's the reason why I became so closed up and quiet.

Back in high school, I had a big crush on him, and when I decided to confess my feelings to him...he embarrassed me in front of the whole school.

"Why are you acting so friendly all of a sudden?" I crossed my arms "last thing you said to me was that it was an embarrassment to be around me"

"Well, shit" he laughed softly, I stayed serious "none of what I said was truthful, you see- what about I just take you out sometime? We can get dinner and I can explain what happened. It's kind of complicated, I can't tell you everything right now"

"I...have a boyfriend" I'm not sure why I said that, he didn't even say it would be a date, but I just wanted to get out of this situation "so, I probably shouldn't be having dinner with other guys"

"Oh, right, that Leo guy" Adrian realized.

"What?" I tiled my head.

"Leo...everyone knows him"

"Oh, yes" I laughed awkwardly, remembering that Leo's a celebrity and not a random guy.

It was unusual to say he's my boyfriend, mostly because we never actually decided on the whole girlfriend and boyfriend thing. Also, I've never called anyone that before.

"Can't believe you got a guy" Adrian commented, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Excuse me?" I was instantly offended.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that!" He tried to save himself "I meant, I just don't understand how you got a guy even with the whole thing Gianna's doing with every person around you"

"Gianna? What- what do you mean? What's she doing with every person around me?" I asked, now giving him my full attention.

"You don't know? I thought you'd know by now..." he seemed a bit confused.

"Know what?!" I grew impatient.

"She-" Adrian was interrupted by a guy coming up to us.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now