-It's obvious

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The heat brought me nausea. 

My hair stuck on my neck and I felt like screaming, no one would hear me anyway.

"I'm gonna go get some water," I yelled to Gianna.

The bartender took a while to get to my order, I didn't blame him, it was a bit chaotic here. People screamed demands at him, I was the only one acting calm and civilized.

He looked happy to hear I only wanted water, also a bit confused, but he didn't ask any questions.

Alcohol wasn't my thing, I'd probably do something embarrassing and horrible if I had any. So I stayed away from it.

Once my water came I drank slowly and savored the moments where the icy cold water was in my mouth.

My pointer finger traced over the pretty design that was on the cup.

"Water, huh?" I heard a voice behind me but didn't care to look who it was.

I replied, "yeah."

Without asking, the person who belonged to that voice sat down next to me.

I didn't glance up. I didn't want this guy to think I wanted to have a conversation with him.

Maybe if I stared at the cup long and hard he would go. But no, that plan was pretty flawed since he didn't leave.

"Why are you drinking water? It's a club. You know that right?" He chuckled lightly.

"Why do you care? I can drink whatever I want," I spoke up.

I couldn't see him well, the room was too dark. The only way you could see someone is if one of the lights shined on them. But I knew he was the guy from outside.

"I'm just trying to start a conversation," He explained.

"Oh okay. What if I don't wanna have a conversation with you?" My tone was harsh.

"What? You don't even know me. How could you be so quick to judge" He cocked his head back in the slightest shock. Surely no girl acted like this towards him.

"Well, it's obvious."

"What's obvious?"

"You're probably one of those guys who finds girls at clubs, acts as if they're interested, but in reality, you just wanna fuck them," I grinned as I made my point.

"Now it's obvious what type of girl you are," his brows raised and his fingers tapped on the bar table.

"Yeah, and what type am I?" I didn't want this conversation to go any longer, his simple existence was annoying me.

"You're probably one of those girls who had some horrible guy problem in high school, and now fully believes that all guys are assholes," he grinned the same way I did.

I didn't answer, instead, I took my bag and went back to the booth Gianna was in. He was a waste of my time.

"You know I'm right!" The guy yelled back at me.

I turned around and gave him the finger. He did it right back.


The hot sun hit directly at my face. My cheek started getting warm so I rubbed my thumb across it, maybe my cold finger could help.

It was a hot day for May in California. But it was always hot. I eventually got used to it after twenty-one years of living here.

I entered the cafe near my apartment. I always went to it when I was too tired to make myself breakfast. It was one of the few places I went to.

A short but loud girl took my order, the amount of energy inside of her was overwhelming for a person like me who was always so quiet.

My phone rang.

Me: hello?

Unknown: Hello! Is this...Aviana Hale?

Me: Yeah, that's me.

Unknown: good! I'm here to congratulate you, you've been chosen to play Rose DeWitt Bukater in Titanic. I'll be sending you an email with the information...

His words started to blur in my mind. The only words he said that were circling my brain were Rose Dewitt Bukater, chosen, congratulations, play.

The world started to spin, I didn't know what to do with myself. I could either scream in joy or burst into tears.

It was shocking...especially after thinking that I completely failed in that audition.

But I got it. I did it.

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