-Thank god you're rich

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"Thank you world for giving me a hot, rich, and famous boyfriend" I sunk into the chair, in disbelief that such a comfy piece of furniture could even exist on a plane.

Leo almost spit out the water he drank, laughing the second the words came out my mouth.

Behind us were only a couple of people, Leo explained who they were but I wasn't paying attention...so even if we were on a private jet, I was still surrounded by strangers.

"Would any of you like anything before takeoff? Perhaps a drink?" A young flight attendant approached us, her blond hair tied up into a tight bun that looked extremely painful.

"Nothing for me, thanks" I smiled softly.

Leo said the same thing and the flight attendant went back to doing whatever flight attendants do.

He sat across from me, so I turned it into the perfect opportunity to stretch my legs and put them on his. I felt like annoying him, it had always been our thing ever since we met. Even after so long we still do little things like that. Most couples go on romantic walks on the beach but we like to piss each other off.

His reaction was unexpected because there was none. Leo wasn't bothered by it, which was odd, because usually, he'd do something to irritate me back.

"How long is the flight?"

"Eleven hours I'm pretty sure" he stretched his arms by putting them high up in the air.

"This is gonna be a long night" I took a look out the window, there was no point, all I could see was blackness.

By the time we'd get to France, it'll already be 1998. That meant me and Leo are spending New Year on a plane. Only two hours until the clock strikes twelve and I don't think we're gonna be doing anything to celebrate.

Something tells me we're gonna fall asleep in less than an hour. The day had been chaotic and both of us wanted to get the flight over with.

"Wanna help me with my lines?" Leo took out his script, the corner of his lips curved into a tired grin.


I still knew nothing about this movie... I guessed that it's about some dude in an iron mask. Because the only information I've managed to gather is the title.

Leo flipped to a page, pointed where to start, and handed me the script.

I got to act out many characters in this movie and I gave it my all. Sometimes I was so dramatic to a point where it wasn't realistic, it just became funny. I even got myself to shed a few tears, for the fun of it.

The amount of effort I put into it made Leo occasionally break out of character and giggle. I'd gave him a very serious talk about how that was unprofessional - it only made him laugh more.

Right when I was about to do my second round of extreme crying, Leo took the script from me.

"I think that's enough for now" he put it back into his backpack.

"Aw, I was having fun" I frowned, wiping the fake tears off my cheeks.

The flight attendant from about an hour ago came back with small menus in her hand.

"Hello again, here are some menus. I'll be back again in case you found anything to your liking. Food and drinks are available at all times"

"Thank you" we answered.

She went to the people in the back and told them the same thing.

Both me and Leo didn't eat dinner, I was busy packing and he had to go do something back at his house. So it only took us two seconds to pick the menu up and search for something, in a rush to get food in our stomachs.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now