-Then there were two

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"Leo, you just passed the hotel!" I pointed out as the car drove past it.

"Our date isn't over yet" he smiled.

I looked down at the watch which showed it was already the middle of the night, "but it's already twelve"

"So? I wanna show you this place I found, it won't take long" Leo leaned forward, trying to see the stop lights.

I sighed, already feeling tired, and turned on the radio.

I played with pieces of my hair as I waited patiently to get to this "secret destination". The radio played a song I never even heard of, not really paying attention to the words, I just hummed the melody quietly. That kept me occupied for a few minutes, but then curiosity crept into my mind.

"Can you give me a clue of where we're going? At least one" I begged.

"Nope" Leo shook his head as he laid back, holding onto the wheel loosely.

I frowned and crossed my arms.

"Don't worry we'll be there in three minutes" he turned on the heating and slouched back into his seat.

When three minutes passed, we were in the middle of nowhere. Of course, anxiety and stress got the best of me and I started worrying that we were lost, or that Leo is kidnapping me.

"What's going on? Where are we?" My voice sounded shaky.

Leo started to laugh "relax, I'm not gonna take you hostage. Just follow me" he then unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car.

Hesitant, I went out too and followed him.

I carefully walked behind him as we went down a steep hill, completely covered in dried leaves. The only noise that filled the area was the crickets and our feet hitting the crunchy leaves. It had a sort of calming presence, but also so scary at the same time. Just us, in complete darkness...who knows what else could be in these bushes or near the trees.

When we got to the bottom of the hill, there was a small river. If you looked to your left, you could see the river getting wider and wider.

"So you wanted to show me a...river?" my forehead wrinkled as I looked down at the cold water hitting the rocks.

"Not just a river. Take off your clothes" Leo said as he tried to take of his shirt.

"What?!?" I cocked my head up at him.

He rolled his eyes "I don't mean it like that, just take of your dress. Keep everything else on" he dropped his shirt down on a big rock and started to unbuckle his pants.

Awkwardly, I put my fingers underneath the end of my dress and slipped it off. I folded the dress and laid it neatly down on a rock. Goosebumps spread across my body and I started shaking from the cold.

"Now what?" I rubbed my arm, trying to get warmer.

"We follow the river" he threw his pants on the rock where his shirt was.

"But it's freezing" I groaned in annoyance.

"Stop being such a baby" Leo took my hand and led me to the cold water.

"If I get hypothermia, I'm blaming you" I warned and then dipped my feet into the river.

After only a few minutes of walking, I could see this sort of...cave like figure. It was to dark to tell, but from what I could make up, it looked like a cave. Scared now, I went closer to Leo, an advantage was that his body was quite warm so it helped a bit with my freezing one.

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