-Secret note

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My head hurt. I only felt all the pain once my eyes fully opened. I carefully tilted my head to the side, Leo right next to me. His arm wrapped around me, weighing on my stomach. Completely asleep.

I lifted my hand up so the back of my palm rubs against his cheek, while my fingers twirled around in his hair. It was nice waking up next to him, definitely gives me an ethereal feeling.

One of his eyes opened as the other squinted "Avi?" his morning voices kicked in.

"That's me" I whispered, already being sensitive to loud noises.

This wasn't going to be easy because of the stupid hangover. I feel nauseous, dizzy, and the light in the room bothers me. This was probably the worst hangover I've had, even though I haven't had many.

"Good morning" he smiled "do you feel any better?"

"The hangover is horrible" I frowned, still playing with his hair.

"Wanna get breakfast? Good food will help" he suggested "also I'm very hungry" he laughed softly.

"Sure" I nodded.

"Avi??" Gianna's voice came from outside the door as she knocked "are you awake?"

My ears definitely didn't like the sudden loud noises, so instead of yelling back, I walked to the door.

Leo sat up patiently as he tried to make the bed look a little neater.

"Hey" I whispered "can you be a bit quiet?" I pocked my head out the door.

"Oh yeah, sorry" she nodded in understanding "may I come in?"

"Uhh" I looked back at Leo "sure, I guess"

Gianna went in and squinted at Leo the second she spotted him "Leo? What are you still doing here?"

He opened his mouth to speak but I interjected "he just came to check up on me"

Gianna walked over to my bed and sat in the corner, Leo had his back against the bed frame, and I sat next to Gianna.

"So, what's going on?" I tried my best to not focus on my headache.

"The date with Ethan went amazing!!!" She squealed "after you guys left, we went for dinner and I don't think I've ever had such a nice night before..."

"Oh" I answered simply and she kept ranting.

"I can't believe this is actually working out for me! I usually just take advantage of men because they're pieces of shit-" she drank her coffee as she spoke.

"Gianna!" My eyes widened.

"Right here" Leo lifted his hand up.

"Not you Leo, you're an angel" she told him.

"Aww thanks!" He grinned proudly, then turned to me and lifted his hand up for a high five "Avi! Guess what, I'm not a piece of shit!"

"Congratulations Leo...congratulations" I accepted the high five. I hated talking about Ethan, but I had an urge to know more "will you see him any time soon?"

"We planned on going on a second date in a few days" she explained to the both of us.

"That's nice" I forced a smile "Gianna? Could we maybe talk later today? About something serious"

"Of course" she nodded, starting to get worried "you wanna talk now?"

"No it's fine, I need a bit of time thats all" I didn't feel prepared at all to tell her about Ethan, and now seeing her so happy because of him didn't make anything easier.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now