-Let me regret

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I've always liked wearing red, and this dress was full of it. It wrapped snuggly around my waist and then flowed down like a river. Every inch of it was breathtaking.

"It's perfect on you" the designer gleamed "are you sure there's not something I could fix before tomorrow night? Anything a bit loose?"

"Oh no, not at all" I shook my head "it's incredible"

"Aviana, we gotta get going" Dan showed up, he was fidgeting with his flip phone "the photoshoot starts in about twenty minutes"

"Give me a minute, I have to change"

"Hurry" he warned, then went back to the car.

He was always in such a rush, I know he was supposed to manage me and everything, but it wouldn't hurt to calm down every once in a while.

I faced the designer "in all honesty, I don't want to get out of this dress"

She began to help me unzip it "you'll be wearing it again shortly. Are you excited for the big night?"

"Of course, only a bit nervous"

"Everyone's nervous" she assured me "oh, I almost forgot...I got you a little present. A thank you for wearing one of my dresses to the event"

"You didn't have to do that"

"Oh shush" she brought me a little black box.

Inside was a black necklace, it matched perfectly with the red dress. There was a black rose attached to it as well.

"I thought it would be fitting since you played Rose"

"It's gorgeous"


The drive to the photoshoot was insanely boring. Dan told me non-stop about my schedule for today and tomorrow.

Now that I was back in LA for a bit, he wanted me to get as much done before I go back to France.

"Dan, you've repeated yourself over ten times...I get it" I told him with an honest smile.

"Alright, just wanted to make sure" he closed his calendar.

After climbing four stories of stairs, we finally ended up in the studio. People crowded a white backdrop as they held plates of snacks in their hands.

Large windows covered every single wall, there was absolutely no privacy.

My heart jumped out of my chest the moment I spotted that horrible face which I knew all too well. I wanted to convince myself that I'm going mad and that's not him, besides, how could he have gotten here?

"Good afternoon Mrs. Hale" Ethan approached us with a grin.

I could only stare daggers at him, starting a scene was the last thing I wanted to do, I was sure he had the same intention as well.

"Hello," my jaw tightened.

"I'll be assisting you to the make-up room" he informed me, then faced Dan "you can take a seat and have some of our complimentary snacks"

He grabbed me rather aggressively, only so I couldn't escape. I only opened my mouth once we arrived in a long hallway, away from all the people.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" I hissed.

He shrugged "wasn't that hard, I'm pretty much the new and improved version of Frank fucking Abagnale"

"You are insane, you know that right?"

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