-Probably a celebrity

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Yeah, wasn't going to get the role.

I felt like I completely screwed it up. I could've done better, I wished I did. The script was pretty interesting, I was kind of hooked actually.

But I was used to disappointment and rejection, so if I don't get it, then that's okay. They'll be better off without me.

I put the script down on the passenger seat, the word Titanic that was imprinted on it was eye-catching and extremely bold.

The moment I left the parking lot, my phone started ringing.

Gianna: hey Avi!

Me: hey Gianna, how are you?

Gianna: alright, how'd the audition go?

Me: totally fucked it up.

Gianna: oh.

Me: but it's alright, I don't care that much anyway. I didn't have my hopes up in the first place.

Gianna: well, if they don't choose you that's their loss.

Me: mhm.

Gianna: look, I was calling if we could go out tonight? I know you don't like that stuff...but you promised last time that you'd go to a club with me.

Me: do I have to go?

Gianna: yes, yes you do.

Me: I'm gonna look like an idiot.

Gianna: no you won't.

Me: ugh, fine. What should I wear?

Gianna: just not what you usually wear.

Me: what the hell does that mean? Do I dress badly?

Gianna: not necessarily, it's only that people don't wear sweatpants and sweatshirts to clubs. Wear a dress, maybe something black, you'd look good in that.

Me: alright I'll try to dig something out of my closet. Can't believe you're making me do this...you owe me big time.

Gianna: I'll get you a whole bucket of candy in gratitude for your sacrifice.

Me: you better. Bye Gianna.

Gianna: bye, I'll meet you in a taxi at nine pm.

I sunk in my seat and groaned. Partying was the last thing I wanted to do at night. Nights were my time to sit down, read a book, and relax. Well, in all honesty, that's pretty much what I did every day.

Maybe a little change wouldn't be tragic. Or it will be, who knows. The idea of being in a crowd of drunk people wasn't exactly appealing to me.


I smoothened my black dress out as I walked awkwardly in heels. I felt odd in this dress, and uncomfortable. It showed too much of the things I liked covered up.

Gianna, who had her body against the taxi and a cigarette at her lips...looked much less uncomfortable in her skin. Confidence followed her like a shadow, she was perfect, every inch of her was flawless.

Her dark skin matched with all the colors in existence, she was slim in a model-type way, every move of hers was elegant. Men would line up just to kiss her hand...just her hand.

I was never jealous of her, mostly because I had no interest in being what she was. We were complete opposites when it came to lifestyles and we were content with our own, which was great for the whole jealousy thing.

"Hello," she smiled, "you excited?"

"No...not really," I crossed my arms to hide my stomach.

"Chill out and have a cigarette," Gianna took one out of her bag and lit it for me, "the world isn't going to end just because you're around people."

"I feel like it will," I mumbled "and this dress is insanely irritating."

"Aw, don't be so negative," she complained and started to walk to her side of the car, "also, you look great"

I was the last to get inside.

Gianna told the driver to take us to the Viper Room and then went into a whole conversation with me about a guy she was with last night.

Gianna, the man-obsessed girl but at the same time a man-hater. The whole love thing was stupid to her, for me too actually, it was the only thing we agreed on.

She never failed to shock me with her sex stories, especially how casually she talked about it was...Woah. It always made me glad I haven't done it yet.

"And when I tell you this guy tasted like absolute throw up...it's an understatement," her story was going on forever, "it was disgusting, I eventually left after two minutes. I'm traumatized."

"Yeah, I would be too," I swallowed, unable to process the things she was saying.

Her favorite quote of hers was, men are here to fuck not here to care about. I wasn't sure how I felt about that, I couldn't form an opinion since the only guy I interacted with is Dan who's probably gonna turn three hundred tomorrow.

"Did I tell you about the time one dude said I was bad?! Me? Bad? Ugh, he had some nerves. Some men are just insanely delusional, I swear to god," she shook her head in annoyance.

"Asshole," I muttered.

"Exactly," she agreed.

The car stopped near the club, Gianna paid. Gianna usually always paid, I always felt bad for it, but she insisted on paying for everything.

When we were younger, we were very similar. But she grew up to be a badass with a high-paying job and I turned out to be a failing actress with no social skills. And that's why she paid all the time, I was almost sure I was a charity case to her.

The entrance was surrounded by men that held cameras. The flashing lights were blinding.

"Probably a celebrity," Gianna mumbled as she rubbed lip gloss across her bottom lip.

"You think?" My brows furrowed at the sight.

"For sure, it's LA, there are celebrities everywhere" she put the lipgloss back into her yellow purse, it matched her dress.

As we got closer, I could only get a little glimpse of the guy who had everyone's attention before he entered the club.

The first things I spotted were the blue eyes and blond hair. He was about my age, a bit taller than me. I've seen him before, maybe in a magazine. But I couldn't quite put my finger on it, when trying to recall his name, my mind went blank.

Gianna pulled me to the end of the line, she didn't care to see who this celebrity is. I, on the other hand, was immediately interested.

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