-Messing with emotions

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It's quite sad how someone you deeply care about can become a stranger in an instant. It's not a very pleasant situation, one I wish no one would have to go through.

I flipped the page of my book, but barely focused on the words, my mind was full with thoughts.

When losing someone in that way, it makes you think of if there's something you could've done so it wouldn't of ended up that way. Trying to think of every single little thing that might of caused this.

"The Great Gatsby?" Billy sat down across from me, coffee for me and him in his hands.

"Yup" I put my bookmark in it and placed it down on my suitcase. I put my brown hair into a ponytail. I'm so glad it's brown again, I never liked the red on me.

"I heard it's good" he grinned "here's the coffee, they unfortunately didn't have the exact one you wanted"

"That's alright, thank you" I took the cup from his hands and sipped slowly, trying to not burn my lips.

Out of curiosity, Billy took the book and read the summary out loud. I didn't listen. Instead, I stared right next to me, where Leo was. He was on the airport floor, sleeping. I don't understand why on the carpet floor....especially since it's probably dirty, but the chairs are pretty uncomfortable so I don't blame him. He used his jacket as a pillow. A hat covered his face, I could barely even recognize him with it on.

Most of the people around us were sleeping, me and Billy were some of the few that stayed awake. Sleeping in public places isn't exactly easy for us.

I drank all the coffee quickly, trying to get as much caffeine in me as possible. Considering that it's 5 am, I'll definitely need it. I wish we didn't have to come to the airport at such an absurd time, but when we get back to LA we have a few interviews to go to so we can promote the movie. Although, I don't think it'll be difficult to do so. It comes out in two days and people are already going crazy for it.

A man, next to our gate, went up to his speaker and announced that our flight is boarding soon. People around us started to wake up as me and Billy gathered our things.

Billy looked at Leo, who was still fully asleep on the ground "should I wake him up? Or shall we leave him here?"

"The answer is obvious, leave him" I answered, making us both laugh softly. Over time, me and Billy have gotten closer and closer. Ever since the whole Leo situation, Billy's kind of been my best friend on set. Ironic, right? I guess Jack and Rose just didn't work out so well, huh.

"As much as I'd like to do that, we still gotta get him to LA"

"Yeah" I frowned jokingly, then let Billy go wake him. He had to keep dragging Leo off the floor because he wouldn't budge.

All of us stood in a line together, waiting for them to check our tickets and passports. Unfortunately, we were at the very end of the line.

Billy and Leo finally got to where we were. Leo looked like a zombie, his eyes closed as he walked, and lazily dragging his suitcase. It was actually kind of funny.

"Okay Leo, where's you passport and ticket?" Billy asked.

"I have it" Leo mumbled, his head rested on top of his suitcase handle. He then took out the passport and ticket out of his backpack and waved it at Billy as proof.

"Good" Billy sighed, then looked at me and did the signal for when you think someone is crazy. I giggled quietly with Billy, I could already tell Leo was going to be really grumpy today.

The rest of the cast stayed quiet, they all just looked like they wanted to get on the plane and get this over with.

We finally got to the front of the line, I gave them my passport with the ticket placed in it, and made my way to the plane.

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