-Wouldnt of worked

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"Oh thank god" Leo scratched his head, holding onto the door frame so he doesn't fall.

I quickly glanced up "what is it?" then went back to pouring coffee into the mugs.

"Nothing, I was just worried I ended up in some stranger's house" he chuckled softly.

"Ah, well, you didn't. How'd you even find my address?" I asked him.

"Dunno, I was pretty wasted" he shrugged, still looking as if he's recovering from a hangover, which he is.

"That you were" I agreed.

"Maybe I got it from that paper we got six months ago. With all our information so we can contact one another" he sat down at the high table, rubbing his hands over his face tiredly.

"Why would they put our addresses?"

"I have no idea...but maybe I got yours from somewhere else. I truly can't remember anything...what happened? When I was here?"

"Nothing much" I lied, but I don't know how'd he react if I told him he was crying over titanic, trying to kill fire with pillows, and acting out a whole death scene because supposedly Santa clause attacked him.

"You sure? Because when I don't remember anything from a night before because I got drunk, it means I probably went crazy and started seeing things. That is what my friends say"

"Well...there were a few things, but it doesn't matter. You just came here and then fell asleep" I left out a few minor details.

"You just made a few things sound like a lot of things" he took the mug that I handed to him "was I embarrassing?"

"Yes, very" I answered jokingly.

"That makes me feel so much better," he said sarcastically, giggling a bit after "sorry, I messed up your plans"

"Plans?" I tilted my head

"Yeah...plans, because it's Christmas"

"Oh, don't worry about that" I waved my hand and then started to clean up "I never had plans in the first place"

"What?" He immediately looked sad and guilty "I thought-"

"Leo, it's fine"

"No, it's not, I thought you'd be with family or some other people so I didn't wanna intrude. If I knew I would've talked with you and us-"

"It's okay, I promise. Besides, I'm usually alone on Christmas so I'm used to it. And didn't you have people to see anyways"

"Well now I feel worse, why do you spend Christmas alone? And yeah I had to see some people but we still could've figured something out" he looked worse, making me regret saying what I said.

"Because no one likes me, Leo, apparently I suck all the happiness out of people and they'd be better off without me" I gave a fake smile, raising my brows high up. Then took my mug and drank the coffee as I refused to look Leo in the eyes.

"I wouldn't be better off without you" his voice quieted down.

"No" I shook my head "you would"

"And why do you think that?"

I didn't answer, I just kept staring at a specific spot behind him.

"Avi?" He pushed "why do you think that? Did you just think of that yourself or did some fucked up person tell you that?"

I took a deep breath "Gianna called me last night....saying that she's gonna try to get back with Ethan and that he'll be visiting LA"

"Shit" Leo sighed.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now