-Ever again

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"Boo!" I heard a voice behind me

My heart stopped when I quickly turned around. Leo was there laughing like a maniac. For a split second, I was relieved but right after that, I could only feel anger.

"How could you do that!" I splashed water at him, completely furious.

"You should've seen your face!"

Instead of saying anything else I swam back to shore...he followed, still laughing.

When we got away from the water I turned to face Leo. And before I knew it my hand hit his cheek. I didn't mean to slap him so hard but honestly, I didn't regret it.

He cupped his hand over his cheek and winced.

"What was that for!?"

I stood there, jaw dropped. Shocked that he asked why.

I didn't respond to that, just picked up my clothes and the keys to Leo's car. On the way, I quickly put on my oversized hoodie, not bothering to put on my jeans too.

I plopped down in the car seat and put on my jeans. I started crying, still scarred from what happened and upset at Leo for doing that. I was so hurt.

I started to feel a pit in my stomach and suddenly felt like I was gonna throw up. Those few minutes were probably the scariest few minutes of my life...I heard the car door open on the other side.

Leo sat down.

I didn't care to stop crying just because he was there and I was pretty sure even if I tried to stop I wouldn't be able to.

"I'm sorry-" Leo whispered but I cut him off.

"I can't believe you! Why'd you do that! I thought I killed you! I know we always play around and prank each other. But this-" I stopped talking, no longer having the energy to speak, "just drive"

The car ride back to the hotel was silent. I looked out the window trying to calm myself down. Played with my fingers as I counted the cars passing by. My neck started hurting from just facing one way. I don't wanna look at Leo. Or even see him in the corner of my eye.

Right, when Leo parked the car I remembered the dinner with Danny and Jason. Which I was already kinda late too.

Before getting out of the car I said, "please, don't come to the dinner."

I unlocked the door and slammed it, making Leo jump.


Danny and Jason were disappointed that Leo couldn't come. I told them he just wanted to go over a few scenes and practice.

We went to the same pizza place where Ethan works. But he wasn't at the register. Maybe he was in the kitchen. I spun my straw in circles, watching the ice move with it.

"Avi?" Jason lightly pushed my shoulder, "you okay?"

"Yeah!" I gave them a fake smile but still convincing

"Okay...well me and Danny we're talking about what scene were most excited to do. What do you think?"

"Probably the flying scene. I just fell in love with it when I read it in the script." I took a sip of my water

"Mmmhhmm" Danny laughed, "I think we all know why you're excited about it."

"No! It's not because of the kissing!" I insisted, "I just think it's one of the most beautiful parts of the movie."

"Okay. Whatever you say, Avi." Danny said

I sighed and took out the piece of paper with Ethan's number on it. "Excuse me for one second." I smiled softly and walked out of the restaurant.

I dialed the number onto my phone, tapping my foot while the phone was ringing.

Ethan: hello?

Me: hi! Um, it's Avi. I'm that girl with the red hair...you gave me your number

Ethan: yes, Avi! I was hoping you'd call.

Me: well, I'm right outside of where you work.

Ethan: you are?

Me: yeah.

Ethan: wait there! I'll come out.

I looked through the window and saw him speeding towards me. I smiled, it was really cute how he rushed to get outside. When he came he was completely out of breath.

"Hey!" He chuckled

"Hi! I um...just thought I'd stop by."

"Your name is Avi, right?" He smiled

"Yes. Well, my full name is Aviana Hale. But just call me Avi," I put my hand out for him to shake. He accepted.

"Well, Avi. I was thinking if maybe you wanna go out some time. Like a date. That's why um- why I gave you my number."

"I'd love that!" I tried to act cool but couldn't help but have a huge smile on my face.

"Great! I'll text you tomorrow and then we can make plans. I need to go back to the kitchen now, but I'll see you later!" He smiled back at me one last time and then left.

As I sat back down in my seat Danny and Jason noticed how I glowed with happiness and wasn't the depressed-looking self I was five minutes ago. Danny looked over at Jason raising his eyebrows.

"What happened to you?" Danny asked, amused.

"I just got asked out on a date," I said as calmly as I could. Taking a piece of bread from the basket in front of me.

"You did?" Jason asked and I nodded in reply.

"That's great!" Danny smiled softly


As I got to my door I noticed a Rose was right in front of it, a note attached to its stem. I picked it up and read the note:

Dear Mrs. Rose Dawson,

  I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that to you. I was what one would call, a jerk. And honestly, I don't blame you for hitting me. I would've done the same if I were you.

Mr. Jack Dawson 
P.S. I thought the Rose was fitting :)

I smiled as I finished reading the note. I looked up at Leo's door. I knocked on it quietly just in case he was asleep. But only moments after he opened the door.

"Avi I'm-" I put my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. I put one of my hands on the back of his head, stroking his hair. No wonder Gianna always talked about wanting to touch his hair. It was so soft...

He stood in place, arms to his sides, still a bit shocked and confused. But after a moment he put his arms around my back and buried his face into my shoulder. Moving his hand up and down my back slowly.

"Just don't do that ever again. You scared me." I whispered

"I won't."

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now