-A boy and girl, both in tears

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Everyone's eyes were on me, and only me. The girl who managed to steal the show by simply being the most astonishing person in the crowd.

I smiled at all the people around me, I found it funny how they were all so clueless about what was coming. If they knew, right now, they'd be praying I don't win.

Even if I didn't, I still had a backup plan.

The smile of amusement that spread across my face vanished when I saw him. He looked like nothing happened last night as he strolled the red carpet. Well, to be fair, I looked like nothing happened too.

I'm sure that on the inside, he was heartbroken. But for me, well, I only consisted of pure emptiness.

Everyone who had ever harmed me, from one little bad look to leaving me with nothing, will feel regret for the rest of their lives. Hopefully, they'd get a taste of what rushed through my veins during that very moment.

All the paparazzi shifted their cameras from Leo to me. And for once in my life, I had the spotlight, not him. I used to not care about who had everyone's attention, now, I needed all of it.

Tonight is mine and mine only.

A woman, who I never met, came up to me with starstruck eyes.

"You look stunning!" She gasped in amazement.

"Oh yes, I know"


"I'm not repeating myself," I told her "now move, you're in my way"

She did as she was told and moved aside like a useless puppet.

My nails brushed against the fabric of my dress when I walked, they were like long black daggers on the very tips of my fingers. I loved it.

The paparazzi called for me, hoping that I'll answer their questions. That I did.

They yelled, asked about my dress or the rumor about me and Leo. It was all they ever asked.

I found it crazy how, to the world, I and Leo were still a rumor. Friends who have been spending a lot of time together, nothing more and nothing less. 

I could tell from the corner of my eye, Leo was watching me. He understood that I'm different, he probably thought there was something off about me. But I wouldn't say off, I'd say...better.

I brushed my fingers over the black rose necklace.

"Mrs. Hale, after the event, are you going to be seeing Leo DiCaprio?" One of them asked, his microphone went close to my mouth.

"Oh no, I can assure you that won't happen. He is, after all, dead to me"

My words made the paparazzi go crazy, but I left them with that. What's life if there isn't a little cliffhanger here or there?

As I made my way into the building, people flooded me with compliments, that I didn't care to listen to. It was a waste of time anyway, I knew full well that I looked incredible. I didn't need others to repeat my thoughts.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now