-All I have left

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"Okay, sixteenth we get on a plane to LA for the Golden Globes...it's on the eighteenth right? So we'll have two free days before" My pen cap stayed in between my teeth while I studied my calendar.

"Yeah, and on the nineteenth, we're gonna have to fly back here because I can't miss too many days of filming" Leo dropped his dishes into the sink in our mini kitchen.

"You know what? As the days get closer, I'm becoming more and more excited about the whole Golden Globes thing. I even found a designer for my dress and she thought of something incredible for me"

"Really? What's the designer's name?"

"Top secret" my finger went over my lips "I want it to be a surprise"

"Very well then, I should get going" he kissed me on the way out.

"Have fun, remember, I'm forcing you to take me out tonight"

"How could I forget" Leo let out a sarcastic grin.

Once he was gone, I drew an X right on the seventh, today's date. Only nine days until going back to LA, thank god for just a few days.

France was my escape from the chaos that broke loose there, and I loved it...to go back wasn't exactly thrilling. All I cared about was the big event.

I plopped myself down on the couch and grabbed a book I bought recently. It had a list of all the things you could do here, it's been keeping me occupied while Leo was at work.

My phone started to ring and I didn't care to look at the number.

Me: hello? Who is this?

Ethan: hey.

Me: oh god. Leave me alone Ethan.

Ethan: wait, let me just say something.

Me: you've got one minute.

Ethan: I heard you got nominated, does that mean you're coming back to LA?

Me: obviously, why do you care?

Ethan: thought we could go for coffee and talk.

Me: no. Fuck off.

Ethan: chill, I just wanna make peace. Might not be the worst thing to fix one thing in your life, huh?

Me: talking won't help change what you did.

Ethan: let me prove you wrong.

Me: no, I love being right. So let's keep it that way.

I hung up and placed the phone on my stomach as I continued to read my book.

Everything about Ethan made my blood boil, except this part only confused me. He specifically said he's over me, yet he continues to call. Maybe he does want to make peace? Or maybe he wants to get in my pants again.

I swear, the guy probably has dissociative identity disorder. He switches up every time I talk to him.

First a sweet pizza boy, then a sexual assaulter, then a psychopath, then a plain out annoying guy, now a guy who only wishes to make up. It was insane.


"We should go to Notre Dame, I'd like to see it with you if you have time" I was barely done with my ice cream. Leo, on the other hand, was already biting off the cone.

"Okay, I'm sure they'd love to have the hunchback there" he gleamed.

"My posture is perfectly fine, thank you very much" I spat "probably even better than yours"

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now