-Hate how I trust you

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"I don't know how I feel about this one" my head tilted as I tried to understand the painting.

"I like it" 

"You only like it because it has boobs, Leo," I said.

"Lies" he shook his head in disagreement.

I crossed my arms "mhmm"

Late at night was the only time I got to spend time with him, so in conclusion, I was exhausted almost every time we did something together. He was too. But each other's company was enough to convince us to still do these things.

A sudden need to bite his shoulder lightly rushed through me, it's odd, but I did it.

He glanced down at me, puzzled "what are you doing?"

I replied with a giggle, his shirt still in between my teeth.

"My little vampire" he kissed the top of my head "we should keep going, it's gonna close soon"

They definitely had some of the most beautiful museums here, not just the art was amazing, but the museums themselves were incredible too.

Leo was right, they were closing soon, which is why there were so very few people here. Even more security officers than visitors.

"They're here for you" Leo joked, motioning towards one of the security officers.

"I am one hundred percent innocent"

"I'm sure the bed would disagree on that...or the shower" his brows raised, trying to make a point.

I smiled sneakily "oh yes, I guess I'm not then"

He was surprised by my reaction. Usually, I'd push him or try to insist otherwise.

We continued to explore and observe, hand in hand, feeling like we've got the whole museum to ourselves.

When we arrived at the beginning of a long hallway, I stopped the both of us from continuing any further. An idea popped into my head.

"What is it?" Leo glanced back.

"Wanna race?" I smiled while speaking the words which brought a bit of nostalgia to both of us.

He agreed and lined up next to me, "to the last painting on the right"


At first, Leo was the one in the first place...but that's because he went on two. My determination to win was strong enough to overtake him.

We let out a few laughs and enjoyed our little run. I was still surprised no one kicked us out yet considering how much noise we were making.

At the end of the hallway, I and Leo found ourselves arguing about who won. It was me, he just couldn't take losing.

"Oh shut up, you came almost a minute after me" I tried to catch my breath.

"That's not true, I got here first" Leo claimed.

"Fine, I'll let you kiss me if you say I won"

"Nope, I'm not saying it" he walked away and my jaw dropped.

"That's the first time you turned something like that down" I set my hand on his forehead "are you okay, Leo?"

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now