-Nicer way to say weird

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I never really got the concept of kissing.

Like, why do people love it so much? It was only when I was sixteen that I stopped being disgusted by it but I still never really wanted to do it.

I knew I'd kiss someone eventually. Even if it's when I'm forty. But let me tell you this, I never thought my first kiss would be with Leonardo fucking DiCaprio.

The taste of mint and cigars spread through my mouth as he kissed me.

Not gonna lie I was freaking out.

Butterflies were in my stomach as I moved my hand to the back of his head. Stroking his hair softly and pulling him closer.

My neck slowly started to get soar from keeping it turned towards him for so long. But I didn't care. Honestly, I didn't want this to end...and I'm not letting a bit of pain in my neck end this moment.

Surprisingly it wasn't weird at all that I'm kissing my friend. Or the fact that it was Leonardo DiCaprio. For a second I kinda forgot we were acting. I forgot about all the people right in front of us, staring. Watching every single move of mine and Leo's.

But when Jim yelled the words "cut", reality began to set in. Leo slowly pulled away from my lips and stepped off the rail. As we both catch our breaths Leo put his hand up for me to high-five. I accepted and he cheered, "well, we did it."

We started to laugh lightly, still a bit breathless.

"Okay you two, come down here," Jim said as he was next to one of the cameras

We both slowly walked down the front of the ship and walked over to Jim.

"Okay. We're gonna go and watch the footage and make sure it turned out well. If it didn't we'll have to re-shoot a few times" Jim informed us. We both nodded and went over to the camera.

It's weird seeing yourself kiss someone on a screen. I never thought it would happen to me. I crept a little smile as I watched, now my first kiss was filmed so even 20 years from now I can look back at it. I won't have to just rely on my memory to remember it.

When it got to the part where I put my hand on Leo's head, my phone started ringing. I quickly excused myself and smiled when I saw Ethan was calling.


I turned my head back a bit so I can see why Avi just left. She was looking down at her phone and smiling. And then suddenly, I started to smile. I'm not sure why. Probably because just seeing her happy makes me happy.

She answered the phone.

Avi: hey!

Unknown: Hey...how are you?

The other person on the phone answered. I could kind of hear what the person was saying but the audio was pretty muffled.

The others watched the scene I and Avi just filmed as I paid attention to Avi's phone call. I shouldn't have done this...I didn't know why I wanted to listen. Since when had I ever been interested in Avi's phone calls?

Avi: I'm good! Just filming.

Unknown: had a great time yesterday.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now