-Following me

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"Wait one second" Leo said as he slowly got off of me, walking into the bathroom.

I started to squeal "what the fuck" multiple times as both my hands covered my mouth so he doesn't hear.

I sat up, trying to calm myself down a bit, taking deep breaths.

Leo walked out the bathroom, looking a little wobbly. He tilted his head a bit "are you-"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence, because he slipped on the hard wood floor.

I gasped "Leo!"

I saw him laying down on the floor, laughter burst out his mouth. I joined in, because as I've said before, his laugh is contagious.

"You are so drunk!" My jaw dropped at the sight of him like this "are you okay?!"

"Yeahhh...yeah I'm all good" Leo waved his hand.

He lifted himself up, then grabbed onto my waist as he kept kissing me. We shuffled our way back to the front of the bed.

He kept kissing my neck as I tried to calm myself down, already knowing where this is gonna go. I slid my fingers through his hairs, his hands started to slip under the very end of my dress, slowly starting to take it off.

"Why'd you go to the bathroom?" I asked, realizing how breathless I am.

Without taking a break from kissing my neck, he just lifted up his hand. It took me a second to make up what it was because of the endless darkness in the room, but I eventually figured out what it was.

"Ah, okay" I said, then wrapped my legs around him.

Feeling someone's bare skin against yours is definitely an unusual but interesting feeling, one I haven't experienced until now but could definitely get used to.

Leo moved up, kissing my jawline, and then back to my lips.

When I placed my hand on his cheek, that's when he immediately stopped.

"What is it?" I asked, confused.

"Is everything alright? You're shaking a lot" he placed his hand over mine.

"What? Yeahhh everything is perfectly fine" I laughed nervously "it's just-"

"You haven't done this before" he finished the sentence for me.

I cocked my head back "how the hell do you know that?"

"It's SO obvious" he started giggling.

I yanked my hand away from his cheek and gave him the finger, making him gasp dramatically.

"Mrs Hale! Such inappropriate behavior" Leo shook his head as he acted as if he were ashamed.

"Shut up" I moved him towards me.

For some reason, that conversation helped me calm down a bit. I guess it just made me realize that it's just Leo and there's no point in getting all anxious/nervous, because this is what I want.

Can't believe that six months ago, Leo was just some guy that pissed me off for god knows what reason at the Viper Room. Wow...he was right, I was a bitch.

I moved my hands down, unbuttoning his pants. It took him a while to get them fully off and on the ground, but right after that he slid his hands up my back, trying to take off my bra.

We ended up rushing to get the rest of the clothes on our body's off.

I kept kissing his cheek, playing around with his hair at the same time as he put on the condom he got from his bathroom.

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now