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I stopped my tracks the second I saw it. The magazine. On the cover, was me and Leo. It was a picture of us when we were dancing, right before we got Romeo and Juliet.

"What the hell" I whispered to myself, taking the magazine. This confused me entirely, how'd they even get that picture?

On the cover was the title, "the truth about about Leonardo and Aviana"

I placed it into my grocery cart, deciding to read it later. I've always known there would come a time when the magazines start writing nonsense, and I kept telling myself to just ignore it...but I wasn't expecting THIS. So no I have to read it.

Yes. I'm letting my curiosity get the best of me again.

My phone started to ring.

Me: hello?

Gianna: hey Avi...

Me: oh. Hi Gi.

Gianna: look, I know things aren't exactly the greatest with us at the moment. But I miss you, it's been months. I wanna fix things, could I maybe see you tonight?!

Me: I can't- it's the premiere tonight

Gianna: I completely forgot! Could I help you get ready?? Please Avi, please!

Me: sure, I guess that can be our first step of trying to resolve this issue.

Gianna: yay!! I'm very excited for you Avi!

Me: is it bad that I'm not excited?

Gianna: how are you not excited?!

Me: well the premiere will be fun but I gotta go to this party...

Gianna: party? Do tell.

Me: it's just something Leos doing at his house after the premiere, the cast and probably a few other people are coming.

Gianna: if I were you, I'd be jumping up and down from joy. How could you not be happy?

Me: me and Leo...aren't in a good place right now, preeminently. He wants to ignore my entire existents so I'm doing the same back.

Gianna: why? I thought you guys were close...and it's obvious he cares about you. Did you even see his face when you were chugging down that alcohol on the double date?

Me: no, I didn't. I was too busy drinking the alcohol.

Gianna: could you tell me exactly what he said to you? Like why he wants to ignore you? Or did he just not say anything.

Me: no he did, we actually had two small conversations. He told me that we should go our separate ways and that I should find someone better, someone who'd make me happier than how I am with him.

Gianna: have you ever heard of the phrase "if you really love someone, you have to learn to let them go"? I think it goes something like that, but have you ever heard of it?

Me: Why does this have to do with anything that I'm talking about?

Gianna: God dammit Avianna Hale you are such an idiot!

Me: that's a bit rude.

Gianna: how have you not figured it out?!

Me: figure out what?

Gianna: I'm loosing brain cells just listening to you. Come on Avi, think!

Me: why don't you just tell me then?!

Gianna: you'll figure it out eventually. Bye.

She hung up, leaving me in confusion. Maybe...I am an idiot? I just have no idea what the hell she's talking about. And what does she mean by you'll figure it out eventually?

Hate You Too - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now