-Dont tell

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I parked my car in front of the building, sighing as I watched the paparazzi crowd around my car.

Now that I'm back in LA, the paparazzi have been following me everywhere I go.

"Here we go again" I mumbled to myself, unlocking the door.

Luckily I wasn't too far from the entrance so I didn't have to be near the paparazzi for a long time.

Sandy, stopped me before I could go up the stairs. I'm not really sure what Sandy's job is. He's just always behind his desk, in the lobby. Or sometimes I see him cleaning up the place. I've known him for two years yet I still have no idea what he does here.

He's probably one of my oldest friends, in age I mean. I've never asked, but he looks a bit older than seventy.

"Aviana Hale? Is that you?"

"Yes, sandy, it is" I chuckled softly, walking up to his desk.

"It's been so long since I've seen you! But I saw that new movie of yours, it's incredible. You're great at acting, really great"

"Thanks Sandy, that means a lot"

Me and Sandy were never actual friends, we'd just always have sweet lighthearted conversations whenever we ran into each other in the lobby. Part of the reason why he only calls me Aviana, I guess he still feels as if we're not close enough to call me Avi.

"I don't think it really matters, but you might wanna know...some guy came in earlier. He asked if you live here, but I told him I can't give that information" sandy leaned in closer, talking secretively.


"Mhmm" Sandy nodded.

"How'd he look like?"

"I have no idea, he didn't come up to me, he stayed way in the back" he pointed to where he was "and you know how dark it gets here, I also can't see anything with these old eyes"

"Weird..." I frowned.

"Yes, weird" Sandy hunched back in his chair "just be carful Aviana"

"I will" I was about to walk back but stopped "oh and Sandy, you really don't have to call me Avianna. Just call me Avi"

"Okay, Avi" he smiled "have a fun Christmas Eve tomorrow"

"You too"


"Spending Christmas Eve night alone, fun" I mumbled to myself as I took generous sips of my egg nog. Although I'm not the biggest fan of alcohol, I still make an exception for it.

The TV played Home Alone as Christmas music quietly played on my CD player. I lazily laid down on my couch as one leg dropped down, touching the cold floor.

Giannas going to see family. And Leo...well, I have no idea what he's doing. My family's all split up doing their own Christmases. And that's pretty much everyone I know, which is why I'm alone right now.

I've spent a lot of Christmases alone. Not that it makes me happy. I'm just used to it. But a few more of these and I'm gonna turn into the grinch.

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